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write my assignment 21745

Write a 10 page essay on Economics in the early renaissance.

The economic development at the time portrayed the economy as a cohesive structure with numerous facets all of which function independently albeit in unison to enhance the economic growth of the entire society. The numerous sectors in the early renaissance economies thrived on peaceful economies coupled with systematic integration with other neighboring economies in order to expand their economies. Specific dynasties and think tanks such as Aristotle and Plato contributed fundamental economic ideas that fostered the development of the economies as I discuss in the easy below.

In the research of the early renaissance economy, I research the theories fostered by numerous classical and neoclassical economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo. Effective taxation refers to a system of taxation in which the government demands a fair share of the citizens’ earning thus leaving the citizens with an adequate amount to foster the economic growth of the countries. At a time that the church played an important role in te formulation and implementation of policies, taxation was a fundamental issue since the royal dynasties often collaborated with the church to defraud the people. However, in order for the countries to register economic growth, the leadership had to implement effective policies that would enhance effective taxation, a system that would curb exploitation and enhance the appropriate utilization of the expenditure. Among the early cities worse governments exhibited effective management of resources was Florence. Florence was a small inland city in Italy that unlike other inland cities became economic success. Among the reasons for Florence’s success was the use of the resources in enhancing the liquidity of the economy. The Medici circulated the money in the economy through increased public spending thus resulting in the thriving of arts among other sectors of the economy. This way, the government raised the purchasing power


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write my assignment 21796

Write a 2 page essay on Aquina Paper.

They are still important despite the overlapping with the other truths because it is vital that aside from philosophical science developed by human reason, there must be “theology” learned through divine revelation (Pojman & Vaughn 52-54). There are no justifications why such knowledge that could be learned through philosophical science, so long as it can be learned through natural reason, could not be learned through sacred science or theology either.

Aquinas then explained that there are two forms of science, natural science and higher science. Sacred Doctrine is a science because it progresses from norms coming from higher science, specifically the science of God. He used the example of a musician who trusts in the teachings of a mathematician by reason of authority. the same can be said of sacred science, which is founded on knowledge from God’s revelation. He further argues that Sacred Doctrine is the noblest of sciences because it focuses on the noblest subject matter, which is God, and it offers the most graciously gratifying certainty because it expresses God’s authority. Also, Sacred Doctrine directs us to the noblest objective, which is toward eternal happiness with God. Sacred Doctrine is knowledge, which offers us the most profound and meaningful wisdom of our unending worth and guides us toward its attainment.

These premises lead to a single conclusion– therefore, an unmoved First Mover is real and existent. Whether these premises are valid, invalid, or sound require further examination. Validity is the value of being accurately, empirically, and concretely logical or justifiable. invalidity refers to a lack of factual reliability. soundness refers to the validity of the premises and conclusion.

Through the Argument from Change, Aquinas illustrates that human reason has a role in Sacred doctrine not to verify or attest to the knowledge based on faith, but to shed light on “other things that are put forward in this doctrine”


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write my assignment 16176

Must be familiar with Excel

Descriptive Statistics Analysis

Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson. Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric statistical procedures. Repeat the tasks below for each tab in the Sun Coast research study data set. Utilize the Unit IV Scholarly Activity template here.

You will utilize Microsoft Excel ToolPak. The links to the ToolPak are here in the Course Project Guidance document.

Here are some of the items you will cover.

  • Produce a frequency distribution table and histogram.
  • Generate descriptive statistics table, including measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), kurtosis, and skewness.
  • Describe the dependent variable measurement scale as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.
  • Analyze, evaluate, and discuss the above descriptive statistics in relation to assumptions required for parametric testing. Confirm whether the assumptions are met or are not met.

The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be no less than five pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.


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write my assignment 11729

My topic is on “The determinants of investors’ intention to invest in developing countries through foreign portfolio investment”.  

I conducted a survey as follows:

Section A: 12 questions of 7 point-likert scale, 10 for my independent variables, 1 for dependent variable

Some of the independent variable questions:

1. A high level of accounting and auditing standards in the destination country is important in your consideration of conducting FPI in developing countries under the BRI 

2. Great transparency in operations in public companies* in the destination country is important to your consideration of conducting FPI in developing countries under the BRI 

The dependent variable question:

1. Assuming you have access to portfolio investments in developing countries under the BRI, you intend to make such investments. 

Section B: 5 demographic questions

1. Age

2. Gender

3. Higest level of education

4. Nature of investment

5. Investment experience

To my knowledge, I should do multiple regression for first section. What next? Do I do one way anova for section B?


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