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write my assignment 20586

I need the answers to this activity to see if i did it right. Please help me!

L’imparfait and le passé composé

D.        Une Française parle de sa jeunesse. Complétez ce qu’elle dit en mettant les verbes entre parenthèses à l’imparfait.

Quand j’étais (être) jeune, j’_________________________ (habiter) avec ma famille au centre-ville. Notre maison _________________________ (être) très agréable et il y _________________________ (avoir) un parc tout près. Mes parents ne _________________________ (passer) pas beaucoup de temps à la maison parce qu’ils _________________________ (travailler) beaucoup. Mais le soir, nous _________________________ (dîner) toujours ensemble et nous _________________________ (parler) beaucoup. Mon père _________________________ (vouloir) toujours que je lui parle de (talk to him about) ma journée.

   Le samedi, j’_________________________ (aimer) passer du temps avec mes copains. On _________________________ (aimer) aller au parc. On _________________________ (jouer) au foot ou on _________________________ (faire) du roller. Mes copains Marc et Lisette _________________________ (être) très sportifs et quand on _________________________ (faire) du sport ensemble, ils _________________________ (gagner) toujours.

   Et toi? Où est-ce que tu _________________________ (habiter) quand tu _________________________ (être) jeune? Tes copains et toi, vous _________________________ (passer) beaucoup de temps ensemble? Qu’est-ce que vous _________________________ (faire) ensemble?

Répondez aux trois dernières questions que la Française pose dans le paragraphe ci-dessus (above).

Exemple       J’habitais à Austin quand j’étais jeune.

            1. ______________________________________________________________

            2. ______________________________________________________________

            3. ______________________________________________________________


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write my assignment 12429

Please list the equations that you used. Explain in details.

Real Wage20 30 10 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130Labor ( Millions !Question 15The graph above shows the labor market in a country . The horizontal axis measures the numberof workers . Wages and prices are fully flexible . "We know that currently the nominal wage rateequals W = $4,000 and the price level equals F = 100 . If the price level increases by 20%/} , theequilibrium nominal wage will equal :"Equilibrium Nominal Wage = $4, 400VB .Equilibrium Nominal Wage = $4. 500[ .Equilibrium Nominal Wage = $4. 8:00D .Equilibrium Nominal Wage = $5, 000E .None of the above .Question 16The graph above show’s the labor market in a country . The horizontal axis measures the numberof workers . Wages and prices are fully flexible ."We know that currently the nominal wage rate*equals W = $4, 000 and the price level equals P = 100 . Over time , demand for labor increases by40 million workers and supply of labor by 20 million workers . As a result , the equilibrium real wagechanges to`Equilibrium Real Wage = $DVB .Equilibrium Real Wage = TO[ .Equilibrium Real Wage = EDD .Equilibrium Real Wage = 50E .None of the above .


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write my assignment 21198

As you review the case study “Baria Planning Solutions, Inc.: Fixing the Sales Process,” (located in this week’s resources) consider the issues facing Baria’s sales support group and Baria’s general performance problems as a whole. Baria’s managers must determine the cause or causes of the company’s problems before they can develop a solution.

Consider how using feedback loops could be used to evaluate and improve Baria’s situation. Based on your causal loop diagrams, consider what solutions Baria could implement that might be effective.

For this assignment:

  • Using a formal systems diagramming approach, analyze Baria’s performance and develop a robust effect-cause-effect tree diagram using the 5-Whys tool, as you did previously in the course.
  • Create  an appropriate, causal loop diagram that incorporates relevant and logical  feedback loops to capture the fundamental system behaviors, outcomes, and  causes in the Baria Planning Solutions case study.  See the rubric for details on what this diagram should contain. The diagram  itself can be hand-drawn or drawn with software.  Tables are not appropriate; it must be in the  form of a diagram. (Hint: The key is to think about  a causal loop diagram (also called a CLD) that incorporates relevant and  logical feedback cycles that loop back to reinforce the cause-effect  relationships or balance them. Note the emphasis on the additional feedback  loops.  The addition of feedback loops to the diagram  moves the  analysis beyond a simple single causal loop to a diagram showing multiple  interactions, including balancing and reinforcing feedback, goals, and  delays  Examples can be found in the Senge text on p. 87 and 89, with an  explanation on p. 83 – 91) 
  • Write a summary description, including specific recommendations, that links directly to your 5-why and CLD analyses for improving Baria’s sales support operations and organization as a whole. (1 single spaced page APA format)


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write my assignment 19945

Write a 3 page essay on Developing Retail and Promotion Strategies.

A regional shopping Center is expected to have high customer traffic and hence implementing a promotion strategy would help convince large numbers of people to purchase a product. The firm requires coming up with a mission statement that will help their customers understand why the product suits their needs. The location of the regional shopping center should also be strategic such that many customers have easy access to it (Rogers, 2001). Customers may decide to purchase commodities in a certain shop just because it closer to them even if other factors such as price are no favorable. A convincing mission statement will lure customers into purchasing a certain product over another. The shopping center should focus more on product organization in their shelves and stores. A customer may decide to purchase a commodity just because they saw it in the shelves. Product organization may also convince window shoppers on purchasing a product they saw(Voss & Seiders, 2003). It is therefore important to ensure that the products catch the eye of the target market. The shop may also use modern strategies such as internet marketing to convince them to purchase a product at a certain retail center. However the cost consideration of such a method should be well evaluated so that it does not affect the profit percentages. Direct marketing could also be very effective in a regional shopping center. The firm may decide to employ people in the shop who will talk to the customers and convince them to purchase a certain product. This method has an advantage over the others since there will be a direct response from the customers and hence adjusting to fit the market will be very easy for the manufacturer (Bhatia, 2008).

A new restaurant will obviously be experiencing low numbers of customers and will require critical retail and promotion strategies in order to


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