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write my assignment 14702

In symbolic logic a statement is either true or false (consider true to have a value of 1 and false a value of 0) In fuzzy logic nothing is true or false, but everything is a matter of degree. For example consider the statement the sun is shining, In fuzzy logic this statement may have a value between 0 and 1 and maybe constantly changing. for example if the sun is partially blocked by cloudsthe value of this statement may be 0.25. in fuzzy logic the values of connective statements are found as follows for example p and q.

Not p has a true value of 1 – p. 

p and q has a truth value equal to the minimum of p and q

p or q has a truth value equal to the maximum of p and q.

(one arrow pointing from p to q in other words conditional)If p then q has a truth value equal to the minimum of 1 and 1 – p + q.

( Here there is a biconditional arrow) p if and only if q has a truth value equal to the minimum of 1 – |p – q|, that is 1 minus the absolute value of p minus q.

Suppose the statement p: the sun is shining has a truth value of 0.94 and the statement q: mary is getting a tan has a truth value of 0.21. find the truth value of

a. not p

b. not q

c. p and q

d. p or q

e. if p then q (just one arrow pointing from p to q)

f. p if and only if q ( in other words biconditional) (the double arrow that points to both p and q)


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write my assignment 28512

Which sentence contains a misplaced or dangling modifier?

A) Sleeping like a baby, the telephone woke me.

B) Roller skating can be fun on a Sunday afternoon.

C) I ordered a garden salad and an iced tea for lunch.

D) Living on the river, I have learned to love the water.


School is finally out for Christmas break; _____________ we get to go skiing in Colorado.

Choose the BEST transitional word or phrase to complete the sentence.

A) also

B) although

C) however

D) therefore


On the first day of high school Jonah woke up early and ate a healthy breakfast before catching the bus at 7:30. He was relieved to see the familiar face of his old friend, Robert, who lived three blocks away on Seventh Street. The two friends sat together on the bus and talked about their summer vacations. When they finally arrived at the school they walked in together and looked around as they began navigating the hallways. Because neither of them was exactly certain where to go, they asked a teacher in the hall, who pointed them in the right direction. Both boys were going to be in Mrs. Henderson’s homeroom class, which was good news. The bad news was that her class was all the way over in the distant C halls. The boys would have to hurry to get there on time, as it seemed a very bad omen to be marked late for homeroom on the very first day of high school!

Which description would BEST help to develop the events in this passage?

A) Mrs. Henderson had a flamboyant personality and liked to wear colorful clothing.

B) To Robert, Seventh Street was a much nicer street than Tenth Street because it had a park.

C) To the freshmen, the hallways looked like a crazy maze of people rushing in all directions.

D) The school was located in a historic city with beautiful buildings more than a hundred years old.


Yesterday we __________ a rainbow after the big storm.

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

A) saw

B) seen

C) had saw

D) will see


Choose the best way to punctuate the sentence.

We ate steak ____ baked potatoes ___ and corn for dinner last night.

A) We ate steak. Baked potatoes, and corn for dinner last night.

B) We ate steak, baked potatoes. And corn for dinner last night.

C) We ate steak, baked potatoes, and corn for dinner last night.

D) We ate steak. Baked potatoes, and corn, for dinner last night.


The _____________jumped on the child and licked him all over his face.

Which word provides the most specific detail for the sentence?

A) animal

B) canine

C) dog

D) poodle


1.Traditional cultures have been known to respect some insects others may consider pests. 2.Several Native American tribes have insect spirits, gods, and folklore they have passed down from generation to generation. 3. The Hopi honored the compassionate generous ant people. 4.The legend also explains the tiny structural shape of the insect as well.

Which sentence from the passage contains coordinate adjectives that should be separated by a comma?

A) sentence 1

B) sentence 2

C) sentence 3

D) sentence 4


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write my assignment 23535

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses What is the purpose of fashion Does this help or harm humans.

, it would be easy to get “important information (or misinformation) as to…occupation, origin, personality, opinions, tastes, sexual desires and current mood” (Lurie, 184). This way, fashion becomes a channel through which the individual communicates to the world, without the use of the language of words. Additionally, the purpose of fashion is to influence the world, through portraying to others, what a person would like the world to know about him/her, or the way the individual would like to be viewed by others. Consequently, since the language of fashion is understood by the world, “if clothing is a language, it must have a vocabulary and a grammar like other languages” (Lurie, 185). Further, fashion also plays the role of separating an individual from the others, considering that when an individual is dressed in a typical way that the others perceive to be different, the individual is already differentiated from the masses. In this regard, fashion serves as a means of promoting individuality.

Unfortunately, in reality, fashion has had some harm on humans, considering that rather than fashion conforming to individuals. it is the individuals who have been forced to conform to fashion. This is because. “in fashion classrooms and design studios, the human figure is proportioned to emphasize the clothing, not the body” (Herman, 2). Thus, fashion has been established by the designers with an artistic perception of people, such that it conforms to the espoused slim and model-like individuals, while the rest, who may have some extra pound, curves or weight are left out, thus lowering their self-esteem. This is more especially because, “the fashion worlds emphasis on tall, thin and young women is frequently cited as contributing to poor self-esteem, anorexia and bias against the overweight” (Herman, 1). Moreover, while fashion is a way of individual expression that differentiates an individual from the masses, extreme application of fashion serves to


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write my assignment 20095

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on books of the bible Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Numbers -This book explains how Israel prepared to enter their promised land and it covers the years at Sinai and Moab.&nbsp. Numbers also describes events that are guided by God, who is perceived as a deliverer. Deuteronomy-&nbsp.Deuteronomy is significant because it covers the greatness of God to future generations.&nbsp. It reminds people of God’s blessings and waits await them in the promised land.&nbsp.Joshua -&nbsp.Joshua is significant because it provides a history of the Israelites.&nbsp. In this book, we become aware of the division of the tribes.&nbsp. Joshua encourages the Israelites to continue to follow God. Judges-&nbsp.This book is a historical account of what occurred in Israel.&nbsp. Judges demonstrate the power of God as well as his forgiveness and restoration.&nbsp.Ruth -&nbsp.Ruth is a narrative that illustrates the strength of character through faith in God by examining the relationship between Ruth and Naomi.&nbsp. God’s grace can be seen in this account. I&nbsp.Samuel -&nbsp.This historical book records the lie of Samuel, who was a judge.&nbsp. The book also covers the reign of Saul, which leads up to the life of David. II Samuel -&nbsp.This book is historical and records the anointing of David and how effective leadership can be when it is directed by God.&nbsp. The essence of this book is to demonstrate David’s ability to lead.&nbsp.I Kings -&nbsp.This historical account is a continuation of Samuel, commenting on the history of the Israelites from the reign of David to the fall of Israel. II Kings -&nbsp.Another historical account that emphasizes what happens when people refuse to live under the leadership of God.&nbsp. Elisha’s ministry is covered as well as the fall of the northern kingdom.


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