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write my assignment 19344

I need some assistance with these assignment. identity in korean contemporary art Thank you in advance for the help! Answer Q). using concrete examples, please discuss the issue of identity as presented in Korean contemporary art Contemporary Art: According to dictionary the meaning of literal meaning of contemporary art is the modern art but generally it includes the art from the World War II till the present or modern art

Uniqueness in art, particularly for Asian countries like Korea which went all the way through Western influence in the line of creation and expansion in modern art, is often taken as a substitute model to distinguish them from the West. So it changes constantly according to changeover and influence of foreign power, confronted by a new identity.

In meticulous, modern Asian artists of the post-1990’s facing the double demands of localism in the course of globalization knowing the argument on localism as an abstract tool for post-ideology and multi-value rather than as identity crisis to build a new uniqueness of Asian art.

In reality, a local identity can be clear only by destructing the dichotomy of true localism can be come up through confined custom and historicity.

For example, many of contemporary Asian artists – counting artists based in their native soil or abroad are dealing with one’s own civilizing custom with a approach of duality acceptance both history and present.

Workings of artists which own traditional opinion and motifs such as Zen philosophy, ceramics, packaging cloth, etc. apparent how custom can be conveyed to the modern context and thus re-contextualized.


Korean contemporary art

Photo by Getty Images

Elliot Smith Contemporary Art

Work cited

Kim Youngna. Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea. Hollym (Jan 2005)

The Journal of Aesthetic Education.


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write my assignment 20147

Constructing Deductive and Inductive Arguments

Arguments consist of premises and conclusions. Premises are structured so as to lend support to conclusions. The kind of support that a premise lends to a conclusion allows us to distinguish between deductive and inductive arguments. This week, you will be constructing both kinds of arguments.

1.  In three premises each, construct one example of each following deductive argument form:

·  Modus ponens

·  Modus tollens

·  Hypothetical syllogism

·  Disjunctive syllogism

Make sure your arguments are deductively valid and that your examples are your own. Here are two examples of the general format that your arguments should take:

Modus ponens:

1.  If it is raining, then it is pouring.

2.  It is raining.

3.  Therefore, it is pouring.

Modus tollens:

1.  If Jack went to the grocery store, then he bought cookies.

2.  Jack did not buy cookies.

3.  Therefore, Jack did not go to the grocery store.

2.  After you construct the preceding deductive argument forms, construct a three premise syllogism. For example:

1.  All men are mortal.

2.  Socrates is a man.

3.  Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

3.  After you construct a three premise syllogism, construct one of each of the following inductive argument patterns:

·  Induction by enumeration

·  Reasoning by analogy

·  Statistical induction

·  Higher-level induction

Your examples of inductive argument patterns should not be expressed in premise form. Rather, they should be informally expressed in writing. You should have one paragraph for each pattern. Be as detailed as possible.

Finally, please remember to label your arguments. This makes it easier for them to be graded. Include your name, course section, and the date at the top of your assignment document.

View your assignment rubric.


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write my assignment 30612

 Week 7 – Functions

Overview This hands-on lab allows you to follow and experiment with the critical steps of developing a program including the program description, analysis, test plan, design, and implementation with C code. The example provided uses sequential, repetition, selection statements and user-defined functions.

Program Description

Write a program that will allow the user to select from a variety of mathematical functions, evaluate that function at a numerical value, and keep going until the user enters a selection indicating that the user is done with the program.

The program should be written in such a way that adding new functions to the source code is relatively easy.


A menu will be presented to the user as a prompt. The exact menu will depend upon the actual functions currently available in the program. Here is one typical interaction, where a, b, c, etc. represent function selections.

>Make a selection: a: a(x) = x*x b: b(x) = x*x*x c: c(x) = x^2 + 2*x + 7 q: quit Enter selection and value, or q: a 3.45  c(3.45) = 3.45^2 + 2*3.45 + 7 = 25.80 Analysis

1. Use float data types for input, calculations and results. 2. Create a main input loop to select a function or quit. 3. Create a good prompt, including a list of possible selections to help the user. 4. Include appropriate printf functions within the math functions. 5. Make the main method simple by using a while loop, and a menu function which will return a special number if the user chooses the quit option. a. while (menu () == 0); b. if the menu function returns a 0 then continue c. returning any other value will end the program. 6. Use the ^ symbol in the display to indicate a power of x, i.e., x^4 means x*x*x*x. 7. Write a simple message when the program is over, such as “… bye …”.

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Test Plan

To verify this program is working properly the following input values and expected outputs could be used for testing:

Test Case Input Expected Output 1 a 3 a(3) = 3^2 = 9 2 b 5 b(5) = 5^3 = 125 3 c 1 c(1) = 1*1 + 2*1 + 7 = 10 4 a 2.2 a(2.2) = 2.2^2 = 4.84 5 q … bye …


main  while (menu == 0)  write “bye” end main

int menu  declare selection as char  declare x as float

 printHelp  input selection  if (selection == ‘q’) return 1  input x  if (selection == ‘a’) a(x)  // other selections  return 0 // continue end menu

void printHelp  write “a: a(x) = x*x”  // other function selections  write “q: quit” end printHelp

void a(float x)  declare v as float  v = x*x;  write “a(x) = x*x = v” // replace x and v with values end function a(x)

// other functions  

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C Code

The following is the C Code that will compile and execute in the online compilers. The header comment block is not shown allowing the new code to fit here on one page.

#include <stdio.h>

void printHelp () {  printf (“n”);  printf (“a: a(x) = x*xn”);  printf (“b: b(x) = x*x*xn”);  printf (“c: c(x) = x^2 + 2*x + 7n”);  printf (“q: quitn”); }

void a(float x) {  float v = x*x;  printf (” a(%.2f) = %.2f^2 = %.2fn”, x, x, v); } // end function a

void b(float x) {  float v = x*x*x;  printf (” a(%.2f) = %.2f^3 = %.2fn”, x, x, v); } // end function b

void c(float x) {  float v = x*x + 2*x + 7;  printf (” c(%.2f) = %.2f^2 + 2*%.2f + 7 = %.2fn”,            x, x, x, v); } // end function c

int menu () {  char selection;  float x;  printHelp ();  scanf (“%s”, &selection);  if (selection == ‘q’) return 1;  scanf (“%f”, &x);  if (selection == ‘a’) a(x);  if (selection == ‘b’) b(x);  if (selection == ‘c’) c(x);  return 0; } // end function menu

int main() {  while (menu() == 0);  printf (“… bye …n”);  return 0; } // end main

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Test Run

Note the Input values for this run were:

a 3.3 b 4 c 5.5 q You can change these values to any valid selections and values to match your test cases.

Here are the results from running the program with the input above, the user input is shown in red:

a: a(x) = x*x b: b(x) = x*x*x c: c(x) = x^2 + 2*x + 7 q: quit a 3.3  a(3.30) = 3.30^2 = 10.89

a: a(x) = x*x b: b(x) = x*x*x c: c(x) = x^2 + 2*x + 7 q: quit b 4  a(4.00) = 4.00^3 = 64.00

a: a(x) = x*x b: b(x) = x*x*x c: c(x) = x^2 + 2*x + 7 q: quit c 5.5  c(5.50) = 5.50^2 + 2*5.50 + 7 = 48.25

a: a(x) = x*x b: b(x) = x*x*x c: c(x) = x^2 + 2*x + 7 q: quit q … bye …  

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Learning Exercises for you to complete 

1. Demonstrate you successfully followed the steps in this lab by preparing screen captures of you running the lab as specified in the Instructions above.

2. (x/2) Create a new function, shrink (float x), that would divide the input value by 2 using the shown code as a template. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code. Prepare a new test table with at least 3 distinct test cases listing input and expected output for the new code you created for the shrink function.

3. Why is the number of x’s different in the printf statements in the functions?

4. What happens if the user makes a selection other than one of the ones shown in the help prompt (a, b, c, or q in the code shown)? Justify your answer with documented experiments.

5. What would have to be changed in the code if the while statement were changed to: while (menu == 5);

6. Modify the original code and add an additional function of your choice. The function should be unique and something you created for this assignment. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code. Prepare a test table with at least 3 distinct test cases listing input and expected output for your unique function.


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write my assignment 26587



Based on this table a method of Student should decide the admission and the method toString() should produce a String as in the following example:

Smith, average=87, York-admitted, McGill-rejected, UofT- rejected

Class ApplicationCentre extends JApplet. At the top of the file introduce as a comment your name and student number. In this applet you have to use as a starting point CardDeck.java which is part of the Java Programs files associated with Lecture 6. This program was used to introduce the CardLayout management.

The Main Screen has on the left hand side 3 buttons presented in a column. These buttons have the labels: Input, DisplayAll, Search. The user will click on these buttons to change the panels displayed in the right hand side of the screen (using the CardDeck layout manager). The followings are the description of the right panels (the “cards”). Note that you have some flexibility in organizing the layout of each panel.

The Input panel, uses labels to prompt the user and four textfields to enter the student name, the highschool average mark. This panel also contains a JList object containing the following 10 Canadian universities: Toronto, York, Western, Brock, Guelph, Waterloo, McGill, Concordia, Laval and Macmaster. From that list the user will select 3 universities. A Button labeled “Submit” displayed at the bottom of the panel allows the user to enter the input data coming from textfields and JList object into an array with maximum 100 Student objects. Do not forget to erase the content of the textfields when the Submit button is clicked and provide a label which shows how many students were entered (for instance it should say “student 5 out of 100”).

The DisplayAll panel will present the content of the array of objects using a JTextArea object. In this textarea the students are displayed with the names in ascending order (you need to sort the array of objects using the Bubble Sort algorithm). The text in the JTextArea is displayed with a Serif style font in Italic and 12-point size.

 The Search panel  contains at the top the label “Enter student’s name” and next to that label a textfield. Below the panel contains a JTextArea, where the result of the search is displayed with in Arial style font and 14-point size. If the search for the student fails the textarea should contain the message “Student not found”. 


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