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write my assignment 26043

I need some assistance with these assignment. sociological approach to power Thank you in advance for the help! Subjection is the nature to articulate power in order to have control over different subjects while stratification is the expression of power within managerial hierarchies that is mainly based on asperity of different resources. Such interpretations if further argued shall help to&nbsp.restate and restructure research programmes on different grounds of structural, historical and commissioning of elites with relation to class differences and status.

In order to establish the meaning of power, there has been several of those ideas that crept up. One school of thoughts follow the mainstream views which try to focus on the absolute use of control and in the process making the subject perform which would otherwise not be possible. (Scott, 1996)

Marx discussed social class and power. Both class and power are interconnected. Both these factors are said to be different in their respective aspects in societal terms. The class actually represents the system of the society where wealth is generated and differentiated among its members. Therefore, one can define power as political as well as economical expressions within a society. (Mandel, 1992)

The class system determines the parameters related to the structure of a society. The class system acts as a motivational factor in comprising the agency, which constitutes the class actors, within the society. Now, in that case, the various forms of power define the characteristic feature of the agency. Based on these structural characteristics, groups or individual class actors pursue their ambitions. Therefore in this societal framework, both class and power go hand in hand in order to present the crucial features comprising of structure and agency, remaining within a complex and varied society. It is seen from various aspects of a study that whenever an individual or group possesses power in the form of economical or political sense then these elements try to focus on making people work against his or her wishes and desires. This remains adverse&nbsp.to political and economical ideas and interests or desires. The elite class of the society does apply power upon the poorer sections. (Giddens, 1981)&nbsp.


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write my assignment 7450

In one well-known study on empathy, participants were required to watch a confederate (“elaine”) receive electric shocks. they were told either that they had to watch her receive 10 full trials of shocks, or that they could leave after watching the first 2 trials only. they were also told that their values and interests were similar to elaine’s (similarity group), or that their values and interests were different from elaine’s (non-similarity group). after the first two trials were completed, participants were told that elaine was unusually upset by the shocks due to a negative childhood experience related to electricity. participants were asked whether they would be willing to switch places with elaine. in this study, the 10-trial versus 2-trial instruction was designed as a manipulation of _____, and the similarity versus non-similarity information was meant to be a manipulation of


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write my assignment 9089

W3 D1: 

Students need to contribute three substantive posts in this discussion by the due date indicated. The substantive posts can be any combination of responses and replies.

Lean production is a concept that involves improving processes by eliminating waste and excess inventory. The basis for the concept is the just-in-time philosophy pioneered by Toyota. The concept has now been expanded to include all supply chain processes with the intent of creating value for the customer by eliminating all non–value–adding activities.

Reducing inventory is one of the easiest ways to reduce costs. How can we eliminate inventory all together without losing customers?

Your suppliers and customers are typically out of your control. This makes it difficult for you to implement ‘lean’ across the supply chain. What are the roles of suppliers and customers in a lean system? How can you ensure suppliers and customers are on board with your lean initiatives?


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write my assignment 15529

Take the demo code for linear re-

gression available at https://github.com/pytorch/examples/blob/master/regression/

main.py.This demo implements Stochastic Gradient Descent for estimating the parameters

of the linear model. Your task is to familiarize yourself with every step of the code, and

understand what it is doing.

(a) Modify the simplistic implementation of Gradient Descent to use SGD class in the

torch.optim package (http://pytorch.org/docs/master/optim.html#torch.optim.

SGD). Modify the learning rate and comment on its eect.

(b) You are provided with a toy dataset in qn2 data.csv. The data relates to the amount

of corn produced (column 3) with respect to the amount of fertilizers and insecticides

that are used (column 1 and column 2). Fit a linear regression model on this data,

trained with SGD. Report the parameters of the trained model(weights[w1, w2] and

the bias). Report the values of the number of corn produced with the following test


test_set = torch.Tensor([[6,4],[10,5],[14,8]])

Submit your code along with the weight, biases and the predicted values.

(c) Implement the least squares solution = (XTX)????1XTy using the same dataset. What

are the predictions for the above test set? How do they compare to the predictions of

the linear neuron trained with SGD? How do the parameters compare?

Can anyone please help me with this assignment ?


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