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write my assignment 4042

Consider a random variable X with uniform distribution U(0, 1). In class we have seen how this can be used to simulate the flip of a coin.

a. Use the random variable X to simulate the rolls of a dice with 4 faces, similarity to what we did in class. Each of the possible outcomes {1, 2, 3, 4} must have equal probability.

b. Consider the random variable Y = b4X + 1c. That is, we take a random number generated according to the distribution of X, we multiply it by 4, we add 1, and we round it down to the nearest integer. What are the possible outcomes of Y ? What is the probability of each of these outcomes? Discuss the relationship between Y and the random variable you built in point (a.)

I am not sure how to solve these


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write my assignment 31023

1. (TCO 1) The biopsychosocial model is known as a(n) _____. (Points : 5)integration modelunifying themeconsolidation modeleclectic conceptualization 2. (TCO 2) If you wanted to study someone with a rare disorder such as photophobia (the fear of light), your best research option would be a(n) _____. (Points : 5)experimental studycorrelational studycase studysurvey 3. (TCO 3) Certain forms of depression are related to lowered levels of _____. (Points : 5)ProzacZoloftGABAserotonin 4. (TCO 3) The autonomic nervous system is subdivided into two branches called the _____ and _____ systems. (Points : 5)automatic; semi-automaticsomatic; peripheralafferent; efferentsympathetic; parasympathetic 5. (TCO 4) An example of _____ would be if you didn’t even notice the loud crash outside the door when you were focused on taking your driver’s exam. (Points : 5)sensory adaptationselective habituationsensory detectionselective attention 6. (TCO 4) A young child would not yet have developed the principle of _____ if she thinks her daddy is getting smaller and smaller as he walks away from her. (Points : 5)size constancyperceptual differencesoptical illusionsretinal disparity 7. (TCO 5) Disruptions in circadian rhythms lead to which of the following? (Points : 5)Relationship problemsReduced concentrationHealth problemsB and C 8. (TCO 5) Which of the following is true regarding a typical night’s sleep cycles? (Points : 5)There are 7-8 cycles per night, each lasting about an hour. Stages 3 and 4 decrease; REM sleep increases during the night. Brain waves increase in frequency and decrease in amplitude as the night progresses.Everyone always progresses from Stage 1 to 4, and back. 9. (TCO 5) Most psychoactive drugs create their changes in mood, energy, or perception by changing _____. (Points : 5)the body’s supply of neurotransmittersthe balance of drugs in the bodythe ability of the neurons to synthesize, store, and release neurotransmittersBoth A and C 10. (TCO 6) A physiological alarm reaction, followed by resistance, and ending with exhaustion is known as _____. (Points : 5)the fight or flight responsethe general adaptation syndromean approach-avoidance conflictthe aggression-frustration-surrender sequence 11. (TCO 6) What can we do to decrease our risk for heart disease? (Points : 5)Keep abreast of medical advancesKeep our weight within normal rangeQuit smokingB and C 12. (TCO 6) According to “What a psychologist sees” in your text, a person at or above the 80th percentile on hostility has _____ times the risk of having a coronary heart disease episode as a person with a score between the 40th and 59th percentiles on hostility. (Points : 5)twicethree timesalmost four timesalmost six times 13. (TCO 7) All _____ responses to stimuli, such as salivating at the sight of food, are inborn. (Points : 5)unconditionedconditionedneutrallearned 14. (TCO 7) Reinforcement and punishment are defined in terms of _____. (Points : 5)intrinsic and extrinsic motiveswhether they cause pleasure and painadaptive significancewhether they increase or decrease responses that follow 15. (TCO 8) Simple rules used in problem-solving that do not guarantee a solution, but offer a likely short-cut to it are called _____. (Points : 5)algorithmsinductionsheuristicsperceptual sets 1. (TCO 8) Which of the following did Robert Sternberg emphasize in his triarchic theory of intelligence? (Points : 5)Process rather than productApplication of mental abilities to real-life situationsKinesthetic abilitiesBoth A and B 2. (TCO 9) The _____ theory says people are pulled by external stimuli to act a certain way; whereas the _____ theory says people are pushed by internal stimuli to act that way. (Points : 5)cognitive; incentiveincentive; drive-reductionMaslow’s hierarchy of needs; incentiveincentive; cognitive 3. (TCO 9) Sonja has a high need for achievement. This means that she has _____. (Points : 5)an aversion for feedback on her efforts toward goalsan attraction to simple careers and tasksthe desire to assume responsibility for projectsthe ability to defer responsibility for projects 4. (TCO 10) The depression and anxiety that may result during menopause is primarily the result of _____. (Points : 5)hormonal changescultural standards of beautyBoth A and Bgenetic changes 5. (TCO 10) Assimilation occurs when new information is _____. (Points : 5)adjustedmodifiedabsorbed into existing schemasabsorbed into new schemas 6. (TCO 10) Children raised under this parenting style tend to be impulsive. (Points : 5)Permissive-indulgentAuthoritarianAuthoritativePermissive neglectful 7. (TCO 10) Robert is an adolescent who is sullen and withdrawn. He doesn’t seem to know where he fits in society. As a result, Robert may have difficulty resolving the _____ developmental stage. (Points : 5)autonomy versus shame and doubtidentity versus role confusioninitiative versus guiltindustry versus inferiority 8. (TCO 11) A student that is hungry in the cafeteria decides to push ahead of the line to get food. What part of his personality is dominating in this situation? (Points : 5)IdEgoSuperegoCollective unconscious 9. (TCO 11) Rogers thought that _____ is necessary for a child’s uniqueness and positive self-concept to unfold naturally. (Points : 5)permissive parentinga challenging environmentunconditional positive regarda friendly neighborhood 10. (TCO 12) Myron avoids hospitals, doctor’s offices, and people with injuries because he always faints at the sight of blood. Myron has a _____ phobia. (Points : 5)physicalspecificmedicalgeneralized 11. (TCO 12) Brenda has been up for days, and forgot to pay the rent but is handing out money to the homeless in frigid temperatures. When a police officer tries to talk to her about why she is wearing only a thin t-shirt and pajamas in the cold, she rapidly answers, but her thoughts are flying from one idea to another. The police officer would be correct in suspecting that Brenda has _____. (Points : 5)drug-induced multiple personalitiesa personality disordera bipolar disorderhypothermic shock 12. (TCO 12) Beck believes that _____ are among the most important thinking patterns that lead to depression. (Points : 5)selective perception, overgeneralization, magnification, and all-or-nothing thinkingobsessions, compulsions, and irrational thinkingirrational beliefs, worrying, and emotional thinkingblack-and-white thinking, illogical beliefs, and destructive ideation 13. (TCO 12) This is listening with total attention by reflecting, paraphrasing, and clarifying. (Points : 5)Speaker-centered listeningSpeaker-focused listeningUnconditional positive listeningActive listening 14. (TCO 13) One explanation for why people commit the fundamental attribution error is _____. (Points : 5)the self-serving biasthe saliency biasthe obviousness biasprejudice 15. (TCO 13) Cross-cultural research suggests that the need for, and experience of, cognitive dissonance to change attitudes may be a result of placing a high value on _____. (Points : 5)independence and individualismconnection with othersappraisal by othershonesty and integrity 1. (TCO 7) (a) Define observational learning (5 points), (b) including a description of the four processes that are essential for it to work (15 points), and (c) an example of your own observational learning (10 points). (Points : 30)2. (TCO 9) (a) Describe the arousal motive (5 points), and (b) state how it affects human functioning. (5 points) (c) Describe and illustrate the four factors in Zuckerman’s sensation-seeking motive. (5 points each) (Points : 30)3. (TCO 11) In your own words, (a) give an overview of humanistic psychology’s theory of personality (6 points). Also in your own words (b) describe and explain the humanistic terms self-concept, congruence, unconditional positive regard, and self-actualization. (6 points each) (Points : 30)4. (TCO 12) In your own words, (a) define psychoanalysis (5 points), and (b) describe the five major methods used in this type of therapy. (5 points each) (Points : 30)5. (TCO 13) (a) Describe the three key factors in interpersonal attraction (3 points each) and (b)state how each contributes to either the initiation or maintenance of a relationship. (6 points each) (Points : 30)


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write my assignment 12000

Minimum of 500 words in the body Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts 

 Gamble, J., Peteraf, M., & Thompson, A. (2019), Essentials of strategic management, McGraw – Hill Higher Education (6th ed.), New York, NY. Keller, T. (2012), Every good endeavor, Riverhead Books, Penguin Group, New York, NY. Krogerus, M., & Tschäppeler, R. (2018), The decision book: 50 models for strategic thinking., W. Norton & Company, Inc. (Revised ed.), New York, NY. Rumelt, R. (2011), Good strategy/bad strategy: The difference and why it matters., Crown Business, New York, NY.) 

Use the following outline: 

 Introduction  Process: Effective Execution of Strategy- no less than 200 words  Strategic Thinking: Power of Design vs. Power of Focus – no less than 200 words  Decision Model: Key Decision Traps to Avoid – no less than 100 words  Conclusion 

Include an Annotated Bibliography of the 2 additional Sources: 

Minimum of 250 words in annotation     Summary of Key Points     Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication     Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)     Where this fits into the discussion 


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write my assignment 18114

Assignment:A second year student at State College is majoring in music and uses a wheelchair to get around. Since he has been at State College he has been unable to use the music building on campus because it has no ramps and really tall steps. He has had others carry him into the building at times to use the facilities but considers this to be a hassle and detrimental to his music studies. State college counters that due to the age (200 years) and historical architectural significance of the building it would cost over $1 million to add ramps to make the building ADA compliant. Using knowledge gained from the interactive, and the course material, write a paper evaluating how this situation should turn out. Submit your answer to the Dropbox under Week 4: Simulation.The components of a legal decision must include the following:Factual Summary: provide a succinct and accurate description of the scenario at hand. Summarize the scenario to include all relevant facts.Issue(s): Restatement or summarize the question. What is the legal question(s) that you are going to answer?Legal Concept(s): Identify and discuss 1 or more legal concepts from the course material when exploring the problem at hand. Define the legal concept(s) and explain how the concept(s) relates to the given scenario.Analysis/Conclusion: Analyze the factual scenario in relation to the legal concept in order to reach a well-reasoned conclusion. Be sure to apply the legal concept correctly toward solving the legal issue.Paper should be double-spaced in 12pt font and approximately 500-750 words. At least 2 sources must be correctly cited to using APA citations, including both in-text parenthetical citations and an end-of-text list of references.


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