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write my assignment 19175

Good Morning, I really need your expertise on this one.

You are the senior operations manager for a mid-sized insurance company. One of your smaller competitors (also an insurance company) has been hit hard due to many claims from a recent major storm. The company has also made some bad investments and is in financial trouble. Your boss has called you in to tell you that they plan on buying out this firm and integrating their business, and he needs you to develop the internal executive proposal that outlines a plan for integrating the smaller company into your current company’s current organizational model. Your job is to come up with an organizational plan to create a smooth merger of the two companies. From start to finish, develop a proposal ‘for internal use only’ that explains how the company should proceed.

Your boss tells you that the main goal of your proposal is to minimize behavioral resistance to change at both companies, to include clients, leadership, and subordinates. Include recommendations, such as activities, communications, and corporate meetings/events, in each related area of organizational behavior that will help with this merger. Be sure to cite theories from your textbook and at least three peer-reviewed, scholarly articles written in the organizational behavior field within the last three to five years to support your proposed ideas. Please be sure to cite all references, including your textbook, in proper APA format. 

Be sure to cover each of the following content areas respectively: Each Area should be a minimum of 150-175 words

 Improving Perceptions

 Work-Related Stress

 Employee Motivation

 Rational Choice Paradigm

 Team Processes

 Channels Of Communication

 Organizational Culture And Power

 Ethical Issues

 Organizational Structure


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write my assignment 22396

Write 8 page essay on the topic Topic related to child or adolescent development.

As such, they make poor decisions that may lead to life-threatening consequences, which include premature sexual intercourse, premature pregnancies, sexual molestation, transmission of STDs, and abortions. Peer pressure, media influence, lack of enough preparation and guidance on responsible sexual behavior, drug and substance abuse, and curiosity fosters sexual activities during adolescent sexual development. Statistics show that most adolescents in America are prone to sexual intercourse, STDs, unprotected sex, premature pregnancies, sexual molestations, and carryout abortions. Parents, educators, policy makers, and medical practitioners can help adolescents to make wise sexual decisions. The provision of accurate sex information, parental guidance, sex education, national programs, and relevant legislations can address this problem.

Young people face numerous challenges from adolescent sexuality. Indeed, all adolescents are prone to sexuality issues at this stage. These challenges relate to adjusting to the new body appearance and dealing with the functionality of the sexually maturing body. Adolescents also face challenges in dealing with the emerging sexual desires, sexual attitudes, and values. Moreover, adolescent sexuality poses another challenge as adolescents develop new sexual behaviors, integrate sexual feelings, and seek to identify themselves in the new experience (Crocket et al, 2003). The challenge posed by adolescent sexual development emanates from the strange excitement of sexual arousal, the attention connected to being sexually attractive, and the new level of physical intimacy, and psychological vulnerability created by sexual encounters (Crocket et al, 2003). Notably, social and cultural background and environment determines how adolescents respond adolescent sexuality. The effects of adolescent sexual development derive significant problems to the young people and the society.

Ideally, the fact that


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write my assignment 31068

I have to code in c++, and I’m given these files

project 2.cc


 * Copyright (C) Mohsen Zohrevandi, 2017


 * Do not share this file with anyone


#include <iostream>

#include <cstdio>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main (int argc, char* argv[])


   int task;

   if (argc < 2)


       cout << “Error: missing argumentn”;

       return 1;



      Note that by convention argv[0] is the name of your executable,

      and the first argument to your program is stored in argv[1]


   task = atoi(argv[1]);

   // TODO: Read the input grammar at this point from standard input


      Hint: You can modify and use the lexer from previous project

      to read the input. Note that there are only 4 token types needed

      for reading the input in this project.

      WARNING: You will need to modify lexer.cc and lexer.h to only

      support the tokens needed for this project if you are going to

      use the lexer.


   switch (task) {

       case 1:

   cout << “decl idList idList1 colon ID COMMA n”;


       case 2:

           // TODO: perform task 2.


       case 3:

           // TODO: perform task 3.


       case 4:

           // TODO: perform task 4.


       case 5:

           // TODO: perform task 5.



           cout << “Error: unrecognized task number ” << task << “n”;



   return 0;




#ifndef __LEXER__H__

#define __LEXER__H__

#include <vector>

#include <string>

#include “inputbuf.h”

// Lexer modified for FIRST & FOLLOW project

typedef enum { END_OF_FILE = 0, ARROW, HASH, DOUBLEHASH, ID, ERROR } TokenType;

class Token {


   void Print();

   std::string lexeme;

   TokenType token_type;

   int line_no;


class LexicalAnalyzer {


   Token GetToken();

   TokenType UngetToken(Token);



   std::vector<Token> tokens;

   int line_no;

   Token tmp;

   InputBuffer input;

   bool SkipSpace();

   Token ScanId();


#endif //__LEXER__H__



#include <iostream>

#include <istream>

#include <vector>

#include <string>

#include <cctype>

#include “lexer.h”

#include “inputbuf.h”

using namespace std;

// Lexer modified for FIRST & FOLLOW project

string reserved[] = { “END_OF_FILE”, “ARROW”, “HASH”, “DOUBLEHASH”, “ID”, “ERROR” };

void Token::Print()


   cout << “{” << this->lexeme << ” , “

        << reserved[(int) this->token_type] << ” , “

        << this->line_no << “}n”;




   this->line_no = 1;

   tmp.lexeme = “”;

   tmp.line_no = 1;

   tmp.token_type = ERROR;


bool LexicalAnalyzer::SkipSpace()


   char c;

   bool space_encountered = false;


   line_no += (c == ‘n’);

   while (!input.EndOfInput() && isspace(c)) {

       space_encountered = true;


       line_no += (c == ‘n’);


   if (!input.EndOfInput()) {



   return space_encountered;


Token LexicalAnalyzer::ScanId()


   char c;


   if (isalpha(c)) {

       tmp.lexeme = “”;

       while (!input.EndOfInput() && isalnum(c)) {

           tmp.lexeme += c;



       if (!input.EndOfInput()) {



       tmp.line_no = line_no;

       tmp.token_type = ID;

   } else {

       if (!input.EndOfInput()) {



       tmp.lexeme = “”;

       tmp.token_type = ERROR;


   return tmp;


// you should unget tokens in the reverse order in which they

// are obtained. If you execute


//   t1 = lexer.GetToken();

//   t2 = lexer.GetToken();

//   t3 = lexer.GetToken();


// in this order, you should execute


//   lexer.UngetToken(t3);

//   lexer.UngetToken(t2);

//   lexer.UngetToken(t1);


// if you want to unget all three tokens. Note that it does not

// make sense to unget t1 without first ungetting t2 and t3


TokenType LexicalAnalyzer::UngetToken(Token tok)



   return tok.token_type;


Token LexicalAnalyzer::GetToken()


   char c;

   // if there are tokens that were previously

   // stored due to UngetToken(), pop a token and

   // return it without reading from input

   if (!tokens.empty()) {

       tmp = tokens.back();


       return tmp;



   tmp.lexeme = “”;

   tmp.line_no = line_no;


   switch (c) {

       case ‘-‘:


           if (c == ‘>’) {

               tmp.token_type = ARROW;

           } else {

               if (!input.EndOfInput()) {



               tmp.token_type = ERROR;


           return tmp;

       case ‘#’:


           if (c == ‘#’) {

               tmp.token_type = DOUBLEHASH;

           } else {

               if (!input.EndOfInput()) {



               tmp.token_type = HASH;


           return tmp;


           if (isalpha(c)) {


               return ScanId();

           } else if (input.EndOfInput())

               tmp.token_type = END_OF_FILE;


               tmp.token_type = ERROR;

           return tmp;





#ifndef __INPUT_BUFFER__H__

#define __INPUT_BUFFER__H__

#include <string>

class InputBuffer {


   void GetChar(char&);

   char UngetChar(char);

   std::string UngetString(std::string);

   bool EndOfInput();


   std::vector<char> input_buffer;


#endif //__INPUT_BUFFER__H__



#include <iostream>

#include <istream>

#include <vector>

#include <string>

#include <cstdio>

#include “inputbuf.h”

using namespace std;

bool InputBuffer::EndOfInput()


   if (!input_buffer.empty())

       return false;


       return cin.eof();


char InputBuffer::UngetChar(char c)


   if (c != EOF)


   return c;


void InputBuffer::GetChar(char& c)


   if (!input_buffer.empty()) {

       c = input_buffer.back();


   } else {




string InputBuffer::UngetString(string s)


   for (unsigned i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)


   return s;



Please help. I have no clue at the moment,

Im only asking for case 1.

I can figure out the rest.


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write my assignment 21041

Write 4 page essay on the topic Operation Management asignment.

In formulating and implementing the organisation’s strategy, the operations management takes the organisation through the main strategic levels (Slack 2003, p23).

The managers of these departments ensure the strategies are formulated through three different levels. These are the corporate level, the business unit level, and the departmental level. In the corporate level, the operations management plays a role in selecting the businesses that the organisation has to compete. Additionally, in this level, the operations managers often develop and coordinate the growth of business by ensuring the organisation has achieved its overall goals (Robinson 2012, p 56).

In the Business Unit Level, the operations management department works independently in coordination of operating units that sustains the competitive advantage of the organisation’s goods and services. It is in this level that the operation managers implement the changes in demand and technologies. They bring on board the strategies that accommodate them (Mahadevan 2010, p 45).

The operations management plays a vital role in the departmental level. In this level, the operations managers deal with strategic issues that relate to value chain and business activities. Additionally, in this level, the members of the operations department coordinate the resources that are important for the operations of the business.

In any business, managers are aware strategies are important in maintaining the competitiveness and survival of a business. Such situations demand the top leadership of any business to strengthen their operations management section. Consider the Citizens Advice Bureau in England. it is a successful advice corporation, which pursues profits through a range of operations. The company has ten core business segments. For the growth of the business, the corporation must manage its portfolio of businesses. The operations manager


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