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write my assignment 3324

Under the reporting model required by GASB Statement 34, fund statements are required for governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds. Government-wide statements include the Statement of Net Assets and Statement of Activities. Answer the following question related to the reporting model: 1. What is the measurement focus and basis of accounting for: (a) governmental fund statements, (b) proprietary fund statements, (c) fiduciary fund statements, and (d) government-wide statements? no word count needed list any ref used

Under the reporting model required by GASB Statement 34, fund statements are required for governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds. Government­wide statements include the Statement of Net…


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write my assignment 6426


When you combine amino acids:

1. What is happening with the functional groups on each amino acid? Draw a picture to explain, 

2. What is formed as a result of question number 1 ?

3.  What is significant about each level of protein formation? Give full detail in order to get credit. 

Give  several sentences or notes per level.





4.  In a minimum of two paragraphs, (A paragraph is typically 3-4 sentences) why enzymes are important to our body, what are the parts of an enzyme and how do they operate?  

5. Compare viruses, prokaryotic cells, and eukaryotic cells. What are the similarities and differences among these three categories? Draw diagrams of each show their major internal and external structures. 


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write my assignment 22442

Write 7 page essay on the topic When china rules the world.

In this book, Jacques gives us a picture of Chinas modernity that has its own distinct brand. According to him, China’s modernity is deeply rooted in its ancient culture and traditions which have greatly influenced its attitudes toward family, work, and politics. China’s beliefs in its culture and tradition have counterbalanced its path towards Westernization and may one day reverse the flow of Westernization. China may not have been democratic while pursuing its path to economic prosperity but it has shown increased self-confidence while projecting its political and cultural identity to the world.

Here Jacques says that the world is going through an era of ‘contested modernity’ where our assumptions of what is modernity are being tested. China like so many other countries is a ‘time-compression society’ where one finds several eras taking place at the same time. So Jacques feels that the assumption that China will follow the West and that it will become democratic is essentially wrong.

have succeeded in combining democracy with economic progress. For instance the U.S granted voting rights to women and minorities quite late. Jacques contention is that developing countries are likely to give equal importance if not more to such essentials as the ability of the government in delivering economic growth, limiting corruption, maintaining ethnic harmony and sustaining law and stability. Jacques believes that most Chinese will back their leaders even if they do not bring in democratic reforms, as long as the country continues to grow and become strong. He presents data that shows that most Chinese believe that the political climate has improved since 1989 and that 72% of China’s population is satisfied with the condition of the country.

Jacques makes some predictions in the book. He believes that Chinese companies, its stock exchanges and banks will be the biggest in the world. Macao will take the place of Las Vegas as the gambling capital of the


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write my assignment 20337

Compose a 1250 words essay on Discrimnation in medical care based on color and race. Needs to be plagiarism free!

The first focuses on potential lack of general applicability of findings based on unrepresentative data gathered from race-biased samples, a concern which gains most of its force from implicitly or explicitly biological understandings of race.

Of more concern to professionals who do not share that view, are the implications of racial disparity in clinical trials for the health of African-American patients (Mwaria, King). that Black patients are less likely to participate in research protocols makes them less likely to be among those first receiving the most advanced forms of medical intervention, and may contribute to general health inequality.

In the 1990’s clinicians and researchers, backed by the Centers for Disease Control (Trubo 1994), The National Institutes of Health (NIH 1994) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA 1997), began to hunt for the “barriers” to African-American participation in clinical trials. Research concluded that the problem is complex and that patient beliefs, racist bias on the part of physicians and institutional and community constraints all play a role (King, Mwaria, Shavers-Hornaday, 1997).

Despite the apparent complexity of the issue, much of this discussion centers primarily on African-American “distrust” of doctors and the healthcare system in general and clinical trials in particular(Corbie-Smith 1999, Dula, Friemuth 2001, Gamble, Shavers-Hornaday, , Thomas 1999, ), while a substantial number of papers argued that widespread credulity toward “conspiracy theories” among Black patients is a key component of their distrust and thus of their unwillingness to undergo experimental treatments. (Corbie-Smith , Friemuth, Simmons and Parsons, 1999, Thomas)

Among the most outlandish—and well-analyzed—medical “conspiracy theories” are those concerning HIV/AIDS. Researchers have


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