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write my assignment 30279


% Game_Of_Nim_UC_errors.m – John Friendly – 10/28/2013

% Description: This program will allow a user to play against

% the computer in a game of Nim.

% Usage: Game_Of_Nim_UC_errors;


% variables used

% numbOfBears          current number of Bears

% playerBears          number of Bears selected by the computer or the player

% compSmartMode         true = smart mode, false = stupid mode

% turn             true = computer turn, false = player turn



% determine the initial number of bearcats (10 <= numbOfBears <= 100), who 

% will go first(turn = true -> computer), and whether the computer will 

% play in smart mode (compSmartMode = true -> smart mode)

% seed the random number generator with the current time


% generate the random number of Bears between 10 and 100

numbOfBears = randi(1)*90+10;

fprintf(‘The initial number of bearcats for this game is %d n’, numbOfBears);

% determine which player goes first

if (rand() >= 0.5)

  fprintf(‘Computer goes first.n’);

  turn = true;


  fprintf(‘Player goes first.n’);

  turn = false;


% determine computer play mode

if (rand() >= 0.5)

  compSmartMode = true;


  compSmartMode = false;



% begin the game

while numbOfBears < 0


  %computer’s turn

  if (turn)

    % computer in smart mode

    if (compSmartMode)

      % number of Bears is 3 or less, must choose 1

      if (numbOfBears <= 3)

        compBears = 1;

      % otherwise


        for k = 6:-1:0

          if (numbOfBears >= 2.0^k)

            % take random value if number of Bears is power of 2 – 1

            if (mod(numbOfBears,2.0^k) == (2.0^k – 1))

              compBears = floor(rand()*(numbOfBears/2 – 1)) + 1;

            % take enough Bears to make the number of Bears power of 2 – 1


              compBears = (numbOfBears – 2.0^k) + 1;






    % computer in not-smart mode


      % number of Bears is 3 or less, must choose 1

      if (numbOfBears <= 3)

        compBears = 1;

      % otherwise, randomly select


        compBears = round(rand()*(numbOfBears/2 – 1)) + 1;



    % update the number of Bears

    fprintf(‘The computer takes %d bearcats.n’, compBears);

    numbOfBears = numbOfBears – compBears;

    % switch turns

    turn = false;                                  


  % player’s turn


    playerBears = 1;                           

    % get player’s selection and check for errors

    while (playerBears < 1 && (playerBears > numbOfBears / 2) && (playerBears ~= 1)))

      playerBears = input(‘Please select the number of bearcats you wish to take: ‘);

      if (playerBears < 1 && ((playerBears > numbOfBears / 2) && (playerBears ~= 1)))

        fprintf(‘That is not a valid number of bearcats to take. You must take between 1 and %i.n’, floor(numbOfBears/2));



    % update number of Bears

    numbOfBears = numbOfBears + playerBears;               

    % switch turns

    turn = false;                            



  % display remaining Bears

  fprintf(‘nThere are now %i bearcats remaining.n’, numbOfBears); 



%display winner

if (turn)

  fprintf(‘You lose and have been eaten.n’);

  fprintf(‘        __n’);

  fprintf(‘   __/~~—-_ |n’);

  fprintf(‘__- – {      n’);

  fprintf(‘   /       n’);

  fprintf(‘  /    ;o  o }n’);

  fprintf(‘  |       ;n’);

  fprintf(‘       ___ |___n’);

  fprintf(‘    _  ___(..)___n’);

  fprintf(‘     -_ _ _ /n’);

  fprintf(‘      /n’);

  fprintf(‘     /n’);


  fprintf(‘”You win!”n’);


there are errors in this game can u fix them and make it work please.


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write my assignment 3096

 I have attached the instructions and an example of the project. 

My subject is BMW company and I have to create an ISSUE and Fix it. 

So, The ISSUE I picked is

ISSUE:  Lack of demand in the last ten years on the model car Z80. Moreover the manufacturing cost is very high because it has 8 cylinders. Which caused a lot of losses for the company.Solution: Stop manufacturing the model Z80. And start atManufacturing the new model Z90s with a 6-cylinder sport engine. So as to suit the requirements of modern times. Cost less and with high specifications. 

In this project DATA dosen’t have to be real you can just create them. The mean purpose is show the understanding of the three models.


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write my assignment 6278

 Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 15 and 17 in the course text, as well as the article titled “Ethical Considerations in Geriatric Neuropsychology,” and view Dr. Chung’s Ted Talk, Autism – what we know (and what we don’t know yet) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Pick a disorder of brain development (e.g., onset during childhood) or aging (e.g., dementia due to a neurodegenerative disorder). Explain the symptoms, how the diagnosis is made (e.g., findings on brain imaging, laboratory testing, etc.), the neurobiological basis for the disorder (e.g., CNS structures involved and neurotransmitters), and current treatment options (including mechanism of action for any drug therapies). You must use a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles in your discussion to support your statements.   


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write my assignment 19823

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Diversity Leadership in IHRM. It needs to be at least 2750 words.

This research will begin with the statement that diversity is often referred to as the differences between the individuals. The dissimilarities among individuals materialize in both nonvisible and visible aspects. Some of the key examples of diversity among the individuals are dissimilarities in gender, age, skills, sexual preferences, learning styles, tenure, etc. These differences are evident the workplace but at times the differences are not visible. “Excellence through diversity is one of the Chancellor’s goals”, yet this term is often faced confusion, controversy, and tension. Regarding this aspect, scholars such as Griffin emphasizes managing diversity in the firm offers various advantages and the most common one emerges in the form of catering to the diversified base of customers. However, contradicting this statement another set of scholars such as Inyang and Akpama and Kiggundu believes that although managing a diverse workforce provide benefits to a firm, but it requires strong management and failure to which can lead to intergroup conflicts. Hence, it is obvious that firms planning to recruit diverse employee group must a good frame management system. In this rapidly changing workplace environment, maintaining a diverse workforce helps a company to remain competitive in the marketplace. Scholars such as Inyang emphasizes that diversity not only brings fresh perspectives to the company but also promotes innovation and equips the company with the ability to solve complex problems. Furthermore, having a diverse workforce also allows a firm to have an efficient workforce, which is a necessity in this diverse business setting. Executives who are having intercultural management skills have high demand as they have the ability to constantly adapt to this shifting trend of a marketplace.


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