write my assignment 30279


% Game_Of_Nim_UC_errors.m – John Friendly – 10/28/2013

% Description: This program will allow a user to play against

% the computer in a game of Nim.

% Usage: Game_Of_Nim_UC_errors;


% variables used

% numbOfBears          current number of Bears

% playerBears          number of Bears selected by the computer or the player

% compSmartMode         true = smart mode, false = stupid mode

% turn             true = computer turn, false = player turn



% determine the initial number of bearcats (10 <= numbOfBears <= 100), who 

% will go first(turn = true -> computer), and whether the computer will 

% play in smart mode (compSmartMode = true -> smart mode)

% seed the random number generator with the current time


% generate the random number of Bears between 10 and 100

numbOfBears = randi(1)*90+10;

fprintf(‘The initial number of bearcats for this game is %d n’, numbOfBears);

% determine which player goes first

if (rand() >= 0.5)

  fprintf(‘Computer goes first.n’);

  turn = true;


  fprintf(‘Player goes first.n’);

  turn = false;


% determine computer play mode

if (rand() >= 0.5)

  compSmartMode = true;


  compSmartMode = false;



% begin the game

while numbOfBears < 0


  %computer’s turn

  if (turn)

    % computer in smart mode

    if (compSmartMode)

      % number of Bears is 3 or less, must choose 1

      if (numbOfBears <= 3)

        compBears = 1;

      % otherwise


        for k = 6:-1:0

          if (numbOfBears >= 2.0^k)

            % take random value if number of Bears is power of 2 – 1

            if (mod(numbOfBears,2.0^k) == (2.0^k – 1))

              compBears = floor(rand()*(numbOfBears/2 – 1)) + 1;

            % take enough Bears to make the number of Bears power of 2 – 1


              compBears = (numbOfBears – 2.0^k) + 1;






    % computer in not-smart mode


      % number of Bears is 3 or less, must choose 1

      if (numbOfBears <= 3)

        compBears = 1;

      % otherwise, randomly select


        compBears = round(rand()*(numbOfBears/2 – 1)) + 1;



    % update the number of Bears

    fprintf(‘The computer takes %d bearcats.n’, compBears);

    numbOfBears = numbOfBears – compBears;

    % switch turns

    turn = false;                                  


  % player’s turn


    playerBears = 1;                           

    % get player’s selection and check for errors

    while (playerBears < 1 && (playerBears > numbOfBears / 2) && (playerBears ~= 1)))

      playerBears = input(‘Please select the number of bearcats you wish to take: ‘);

      if (playerBears < 1 && ((playerBears > numbOfBears / 2) && (playerBears ~= 1)))

        fprintf(‘That is not a valid number of bearcats to take. You must take between 1 and %i.n’, floor(numbOfBears/2));



    % update number of Bears

    numbOfBears = numbOfBears + playerBears;               

    % switch turns

    turn = false;                            



  % display remaining Bears

  fprintf(‘nThere are now %i bearcats remaining.n’, numbOfBears); 



%display winner

if (turn)

  fprintf(‘You lose and have been eaten.n’);

  fprintf(‘        __n’);

  fprintf(‘   __/~~—-_ |n’);

  fprintf(‘__- – {      n’);

  fprintf(‘   /       n’);

  fprintf(‘  /    ;o  o }n’);

  fprintf(‘  |       ;n’);

  fprintf(‘       ___ |___n’);

  fprintf(‘    _  ___(..)___n’);

  fprintf(‘     -_ _ _ /n’);

  fprintf(‘      /n’);

  fprintf(‘     /n’);


  fprintf(‘”You win!”n’);


there are errors in this game can u fix them and make it work please.

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