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write my assignment 29368

Need an research paper on vietnams declaration of independence. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. Vietnam’s Declaration of Independence Vietnam’s Declaration of Independence The service Ho is referring here is the help he accorded the United States’ Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as the U.S found it difficult to fight the Japanese. During the last year of the WW II, the liberation movement of Vietnam, Viet Minh, led by Ho Chi Minh was seeking freedom and independence not only from the French but also from the Japanese (Bradley, 2000). Since the United States had tried in futility to defeat the Japanese, the OSS turned to Ho to assist them in organizing an intelligence network in Indochina to help fight the Japanese as well as help the U.S spy group rescue American pilots downed in the area. Additionally, the Japanese coup against the French meant that the OSS was cut from the flow of intelligence from its base in Indochina, and, therefore, it persuaded Ho to work with the United States to defeat a common enemy. In March 1945, Vietnamese guerrillas rescued a U.S pilot who had been gunned down in Vietnam. In fact, Ho took the initiative to escort the pilot back to Fourteenth Air Force base in Kunming (Bradley, 2000). One month later, on April 27, Captain Patti requested Ho Chi Minh to allow the OSS team work with the Annamites with the intention of gathering intelligence on the Japanese. Ho agreed to the Captain’s request and set up a camp in the jungle that would later be Viet Minh’s headquarters. It is worth noting that all requests made to Ho by the United States, he agreed to.


In his DoI speech, Chi Minh used the second paragraph of America’s 1776 Declaration of Independence to assert his point. He states that Vietnam’s wish to be a sovereign nation is in agreement with the principles of humanity and equality. He further states that all Vietnamese, like any other sovereign citizens, have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Bradley, 2000). According to Ho, this statement means that all men, irrespective of any differences, have a are all born equal at birth and that freedom cannot be taken away, meaning the rights at from birth are inalienable. In emphasizing these principles, Ho states that the same principles were used by the United States in the 1776 Declaration of Independence. Ho goes on to point out that the same principles were the foundation of the 1791 Declaration of the French Revolution on the Rights of Man and the Citizen. The French declaration mainly states that all men are born free, have equal rights, and must at all times be free with equal rights. If these principles were reasserted in the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of French Revolution, then they should be applied to Vietnam’s Declaration of Independence as well (Bradley, 2000).


While the French committed major atrocities in Vietnam, some were very severe and, therefore, warranted Vietnam’s independence. First and foremost, the killing of uprising Vietnamese fighters to the extent that Ho refers to the blood shed as rivers of blood. This means that the French massacred Vietnam citizens with due disregard for humanity. Secondly, Ho states that the French built more prisons than school a move that consequently saw the number of POWs grow massively (Bradley, 2000). As a result, the families were left without fathers and the country became weak. Thirdly, they weakened the economy of Vietnam by robbing peasants of their rice fields, mines, forests as well as raw materials. These three crimes were so severe that Ho was justified to ask Vietnam’s allies to help the country fight for its independence.


Bradley, M. (2000).Imagining Vietnam and America: The making of postcolonial Vietnam, 1919-1950. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.


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write my assignment 15577

Compose a 2000 words essay on Art and Protest in Writing. Needs to be plagiarism free!

It is a tool that communicates the thoughts, ideas and proposition of writers effectively if proper skills are adopted. Writing as an art would basically involve the writer using writing as a medium for expressing the intended long lasting communication, an avenue for personal interactions or as a means to convey feelings and ideas to the reader, at the present or future times. Taken as an art, there would be need for motivation to actually cause the potential writer to go into the trouble of writing, creativity and attribution to make the writing interesting and to give an indication that the writer reads from the works of other authors. To a new writer, attitude would be a critical component especially when sharing what has been written with other writers. Wiggins (41) argues that every successful writer needs to posses some degree of arrogance. For example, Alvarez is a renowned novelist. In her novel Something to Declare, the author includes a reader’s comment claiming that after finishing one book by the author, the reader would automatically be led to buy another of the author’s books. This has been used as an intentional strategy by most writers to gain trust from the readers and thus make it easy to manipulate their minds in line with their purpose of the writing. Cambridge Educational Services introduces an important aspect in writing referred to as “wordsmithing” (20).


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write my assignment 26596

Select a work of art, literature, film, music, architecture, theatre, dance, food, or photography from another country or culture. Aim to challenge yourself in this Assignment to go beyond countries or cultural artifacts that you already enjoy or know well. The goal of the Assignment is to see how a creative expression can change you and give you more capacity to see things through the eyes of others. So the more foreign your selection is to you and your experience, the more likely you can complete the Assignment successfully. Your viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.

I. Give an introduction to the paper and to what you will complete in the Assignment.

Introduce your selection and explain why you have selected it. Why was this artifact interesting? Why are you interested in learning more about this country or culture? Use and cite a source to help introduce the artifact, to explain its significance, and to demonstrate your ability to incorporate outside information into your investigation.

II. Explain the experience of engaging with this work of artistic expression. If you watched a foreign film, talk about what you felt was unique in the filmmaking, storytelling, music, plot, or characters. If you decided to eat a different type of food, talk about the sights, sounds, smells, and taste. Be descriptive about your first impressions, your apprehensions or stereotypes, and your perspective during the encounter.

III. Reflect upon what you learned and how it may help you to better understand the perspective of others. How might this be useful at work in a specific task you have to complete? How might this help you in your life, community, or group of friends? Wrap up with a conclusion as well.

The paper should be written in a logical order following the instructions above, as well as original and insightful. You may label each part of the project to help clarify where you are addressing these elements of the paper, but you should also be writing a cohesive, descriptive essay that demonstrates college-level writing. Follow the formatting guidelines put forth in the of writing, and structure your thoughts in essay format – introductory paragraph and thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. The paper should be composed in Standard American English, 12 point, font. Check your grammar, punctuation and spelling before you submit the work.


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write my assignment 7144

I need help defining and understanding these they are all from the book Racial and Cultural Dynamics in Group and Organizational Life: Crossing Boundaries 1st Edition

this is for my leadership 450 : Group Dynamics.

Dominance structures / Dominant Expressive Member:

Friendly / Unfriendly Member

Instrumentally Controlling Member

Members Dialoguing or Discussing (Deductive or Inductive)


Resistance, why and when may it happen?



Projection Identity

Implicit Association

Ethnocentric / Ideological Baggage

Power, Social, Political Paranoia

Multi-Cultural to Anti- Multicultural-

Unconscious versus Conscious vs Preconscious Interplay decision – making speech


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