write my assignment 15577

Compose a 2000 words essay on Art and Protest in Writing. Needs to be plagiarism free!

It is a tool that communicates the thoughts, ideas and proposition of writers effectively if proper skills are adopted. Writing as an art would basically involve the writer using writing as a medium for expressing the intended long lasting communication, an avenue for personal interactions or as a means to convey feelings and ideas to the reader, at the present or future times. Taken as an art, there would be need for motivation to actually cause the potential writer to go into the trouble of writing, creativity and attribution to make the writing interesting and to give an indication that the writer reads from the works of other authors. To a new writer, attitude would be a critical component especially when sharing what has been written with other writers. Wiggins (41) argues that every successful writer needs to posses some degree of arrogance. For example, Alvarez is a renowned novelist. In her novel Something to Declare, the author includes a reader’s comment claiming that after finishing one book by the author, the reader would automatically be led to buy another of the author’s books. This has been used as an intentional strategy by most writers to gain trust from the readers and thus make it easy to manipulate their minds in line with their purpose of the writing. Cambridge Educational Services introduces an important aspect in writing referred to as “wordsmithing” (20).

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