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write my assignment 11085

Journal entry your thoughts and reflections. Why did you choose this teaching? How do you know this is the most important Christian teaching? Is this belief important to you? Why or why not?Try to put yourself in the shoes of a first-century Jew who did not believe Jesus was the promised Messiah. What thoughts and feelings would you have about Jesus and Christians? Why would you have them? The recent theologian, Karl Rahner, said: “Despite their orthodox confession of the Trinity, Christians are, in their practical life, almost mere ‘monotheists’” (Hall 54).Do you agree? Why or why not? How important is the Trinity to you or to Christians you know well?How do you envision the way a person “gets saved” or “goes to heaven,” according to Christianity? What must a person do to be saved in Christian belief? Believe in Jesus? Be baptized? Do good works? think about why you believe this. From where did you get this belief?Finally, ask yourself from what “type” of Christian, Christian group, or Church you derived this belief.Are science and faith compatible? If so, then how? If not, then why not?


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write my assignment 7066

Your analysis should address the following questions:

  1. Critically analyze AstraZeneca’s expatriate management practices.
  2. According to the 2007 Expatriate Work/Life Balance Survey, 65% of expats report feeling the strain of managing the demands of work and home, leading to more anxieties at home and at the workplace. What steps can an organization take to mitigate this?
  3. What decisions related to expatriates could organizations take to maximize the benefits to the company despite ongoing economic recessions? Do you think a company that paid more careful attention to selection could further boost their chances of success?

Your case study analysis should follow APA guidelines for formatting of all resources, both in-text and as references. Your analysis should include a title page and should include a separate reference page. 


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write my assignment 8945

1. Identify the parts of the model for improving interpersonal skills. Select one of the parts, and explain the importance of the part and how it contributes to interpersonal skills development. Would you consider it in identifying with personality types and cognitive styles? Why, or why not? Human relations

Your response should be at least 300 words in length.

2. In evaluating personality types and cognitive styles, which types/styles do you consider important for identifying with personality differences among people? Why? Human relations.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

3. Describe a security threat impacting the United States that is fueled by contemporary globalization. Explain the role globalization plays in this security threat. Provide at least two probable solutions to address this security threat in today’s highly globalized world.  Cultural Geography

Your response must be at least 300 words in length.


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write my assignment 13647

Question A2: Windows Event Handling. The Windows Operating System and applications are event driven.

Question A 2 : Windows Event Handling – ( 10 marks )The Windows Operating System and applications are event- driven . Describe how a Windows*application is decoding a WM COMMAND event message to call a Dialog Box from its mainmessage procedure WindProc . You also need to describe the role of the parameters . Refer to thesource code example below . Discuss how event-driven systems are beneficial for interactive*applications .LRESULT CALLBACK WHOProc ( HWIND hund , UINT message , WPARAM WParam , LPARAM 1 Param )intI wmId , wmEvent ;PAINTSTRUCT PS ;]HDC hoc ;switch ( message )Case WM COMMAND :`wm Id*= LOWORD ( WParam ) ;WINEvent = HIWORD ( WParam ) ;1 1 Parse the menu selections :`switch ( wmId )Case IDM ABOUT :`Dialog Box ( hInst , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDD_ ABOUTBOX ) , hund , About ) ;]break ;case IDM_ EXIT :`Destroy Window ( hand ) ;break ;default :`return Defwindow Proc ( hund , message , WParam , 1 Param ) ;break ;]case WM PAINT :`hoc = BeginPaint ( hund , & ps ) ;]1 1 TODO : Add any drawing code here …EndPaint ( hund , &ips ) ;break ;Case WM DESTROY :`PostQuit Message ( 8 ) ;`break ;default :`return Defwindowproc ( hund , message , WParam , 1 Param ) ;return 8 ;]


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