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write my assignment 20689

Need an research paper on the cross of the rubicon river. Needs to be 14 pages. Please no plagiarism. In 86 B.C, he sought election to public office, though the position he was given was that of an archaic priesthood and nevertheless held no power. In 84 B.C he got married to Cornelia, daughter of Lucius Cornelius Cinna thus strengthening his radical side, but was given the order to divorce her on the order of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, who was an enemy of the radicals. Instead of divorcing his wife, Caesar prudently enrolled himself into military service in places like Cilicia and Asia.

His wife died shortly after he was elected as quaestor and during the funeral orations, he performed a purely political maneuver, he took the opportunity of praising both his uncle Cinna and also his father- in – law Marius. Later, he married Pompeia who was a close relative of Pompey. Soon after, in 65 B.C. Caesar was duly elected as a curule aedile, in 63 B.C. as a pontifex Maximus and in 62 B.C as a praetor. Gradually, Caesar created a stamp for himself as a political figure.

After a scandal took place, Caesar divorced Pompeia and the following year when he went to Rome, he joined sides with Pompey and Crassus and thus formed the first triumvirate. Caesar’s alliance with Pompey was further solidified when Pompey took the hand of Julia, Caesar’s only child in marriage.

During the year 59 B.C. went up a step on the political ladder by being elected as consul and that same year he got married to Calpurnia. The very next year Caesar was given the post of the Governor of Roman Gaul. The following eight years saw many conquests by Caesar and finally, he was successful in conquering the Gallic Gaul in the North.

However, the Senate ordered Caesar to lay down his command in 49 B.C. With the death of Crassus in 53 B.C, Pompey became the sole consul in 52 B.C. Finally, in 54 B.C when Pompey’s wife Julia died, the ties between Caesar and Pompey were severed forever.


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write my assignment 6182

Based on the Case Study Number 27 “Delta Airlines 2012: Navigating an Uncertain Environment”, answer the following question:

You have been hired as a strategic management consultant by Delta Airlines. What specific recommendations would you make to the senior management team in the development of their strategic management plans with the issues facing their company? Be specific and provide logical justifications.

No needed synopsis, or identify the resources, capabilities, and core competencies. You should, however, understand what their resources, capabilities, and core competencies are.

Using the findings of fact format, discuss, in detail, any recommendations you may have. You are required to submit three fully justified findings of fact and are not limited the

**Need to be completed by Sunday.


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write my assignment 7290

With current technology, suppose a firm is producing 800 loaves of banana bread daily. also assume that the least-cost combination of resources in producing those loaves is 5 units of labor, 5 units of land, 4 units of capital, and 1 unit of entrepreneurial ability, selling at prices of $40, $60, $60, and $20, respectively. assume the firm can sell these 800 loaves at $1 per unit. instructions: enter your answers as whole numbers. if you are entering any negative numbers be sure to include a negative sign (-) in front of those numbers.

a. what is the firm’s total revenue? $ .

b. what is its total cost? $ .

c. calculate the amount of economic profit or loss. $ .

d. will it continue to produce banana bread? .

e. if this firm’s situation is typical for the other makers of banana bread, will resources flow toward or away from this bakery good? .


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write my assignment 23151

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words essay on the topic Evaluate Financial Conditions.

ment arrangements in external cash and investment pools, which are not registered by SEC, are usually determined by the fair worth for every allocation of the pool’s principal portfolio, except if the pool is such like 2a7. Thus a 2a7-like pool is an external and cash investment pool which functions in accordance to the SEC’s Rule 2a7 as circulated under the regulation of Investment Company Act of 1940, as adjusted. Investment arrangements in a 2a7-lie pool ought to be calculated at the net asset worth for every share supplied by the pool. An internal cash and investment pool on the other hand is an arrangement which pools the funds of over one component unit or fund of a given reporting entity. Internal cash and investment pools are to adhere to the guidance for non-current and short-term investments provided by various regulations. The position of each equity of every account taking part in the investment pool must be stated as an asset in the respective participating account. Costs and income related with investments that are internally pooled are to be described in the accounts that account for the investments except if contractual or legal provisions need transfer of quantities to a different account (Crawford & Loyd, 2009).

“Interim financial reports are not needed for state and governmental units since external users of financial reports have no need to assess monthly or quarterly performance of the government.”I totally agree with this statement since interim reports are usually prepared for the sole use of government oversight or management. It is very rare that interim reports will be released or issued to members of the general public. Interim reports are made either on a monthly or quarterly basis and usually show operating results, financial position as well as any other significant information. Such reports may also be used in comparison of actual financial data to budget. The main principles by which the interim financial reporting is


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