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write my assignment 19508

1. The CEO discusses the investment strategy with the board of directors, but the board is not involved in the purchase and sale decisions and does not approve derivative contracts.  The CEO enters into the speculative derivative financial instruments on behalf of McNeil Co.

2. Total investments in financial statements (trading and avail for sale) at year-end represent approx. 15% of total assets.  The majority of investments are classified as trading securities, and many of the equity investments would considered high risk stocks.

3.  The CEO makes the determination to classify securities as trading or avail for sale.

4.  McNeil Co. has recorded significant gains on sales of financial instruments.

5.  The new CEO has an incentive to continue to grow the company and report a profit because he has been given an incentive bonus based on return on assets. 


a) ID the inherent and control risks related to the financial instruments accts for McNeil

b) ID at least 2 procedures the auditor would perform to test the existence balance-related audit obj. for the trading and avail for sale securities.

c) How would the auditor test the completeness balance-related audit obj. for the speculative derivative fin. instruments?

d) ID a least 2 audit procedures the auditor would perform to test the realizable value balance-related audit objective for the fin. instruments accts.  Assume the investments in stock are all actively-traded in a liquid market, but the derivative fin. instruments require a level 3 fair value estimate.

e) In your opinion, would the audit of fin. instruments require the use of a valuation specialist? Why or why not?

. The CEO discusses the investment strategy with the board of directors, but the board is notinvolved in the purchase and sale decisions and does not approve derivative contracts. The CEOenters…


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write my assignment 22916

Write a 12 pages paper on carbon monoxide as a chemical hazard in the workplace. Chemicals can be in solid, liquid, or gaseous state that can cause physical and health hazards for those involved in the production, storage, handling, and disposal of the materials. By-products are equally dangerous depending on the type and concentration of the chemical involved. Although the workers are informed about the dangers related to different chemicals, still accidents do take place. This is because people are generally either not aware of the dangers of different chemicals or are simply careless to read about them. Ignorance can cause fatalities which can be prevented if necessary precautions are taken. Carbon Monoxide (CO) is one such chemical that can lead a person to his death. My interest in this chemical grew at the time when I read about it in the local newspaper. Eight workers and four firemen at the Eglinton station were given medical aid due to exposure to Carbon monoxide. This was the first time I became aware of the danger of exposure to this chemical. The TTC Union expressed their concern about the long term health effects of carbon monoxide on the exposed workers.&nbsp.

The Praxair Safety data sheet on Carbon monoxide (2004) gives us detailed information about the chemical. According to which Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless and is formed when carbon in the fuel is not properly burned. It has been termed as an inorganic compound. Carbon monoxide is toxic and cannot be seen due to which it can lead a person to his death. It is, for this reason, it has been termed as a silent killer. On burning it produces a violet flame. It is soluble in alcohol and benzene and is slightly soluble in water. The boiling point of Carbon monoxide has been noted at – 190°C and the solidification point at -207° C. In liquid form the autoignition temperature of carbon monoxide is 1128° F and the specific gravity and the specific volume are 0.96716 and 13.8 cu ft/lb respectively. It does have an odor once it is mixed with some other gases.


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write my assignment 27362

directions: write at least 1250 of your own words. Describe the actions you undertake, what, when, where, how. Tell me what you learned and how it matters for you and others. Number one brainstorm. Then arrive at a focus number to compose and submit a project plan by the due date on the syllabus. Number three complete your study or investigation. Number for compose and submit your written documentation by the due date on the syllabus.

Suggested format: wanted to page intro, what you did, surprises, connections, difficulties, arguments. Number to write three key takeaways one page each, see how you will use each one and how it matters. Number three compose the personal comments on your project and your next steps.

Grading: your project should meet the personal learning essay criteria which includes an Anecdote , a catalyst, and then application. It should explain how your project shows academic vigor and indicate how you have been responsive to my comments on your project plan.

anecdote: detail a single explicit antidote that illustrates your new learning give sufficient descriptive facts to tell a story. It should be a personal interaction or event that occurred at a specific time and place with a vivid detail that illustrates the main point.

catalyst: identify inside a specific catalyst from baby knows best that you use to spark new thinking. State the source and page number or paragraph. It is something that should cause a reaction a key idea or evidence or information that had impact for you, a stimulus or a spark.

Application/next step: this is where you explain how you can apply your new learning in real life and what your next step is they have you have used or will use it to benefit you or to help others you may use your anecdote to illustrate how you could have use this learning in the past.

I have already completed the project plan. this plan is where my teacher decided that my project is going to be on the book called “Baby Knows Best” by Deborah Solomon. This book is where she talks about Gerber and their believes and explains how children don’t need helicopter parents and it’s basically all about kids in this essay is going to be about that book. It should be the only source.

essay directions: the way you should do this project is to read a current college level book also known as “Baby Knows Best” by Deborah Solomon. It should have all of the grading and suggested format in it above. it does not have to sound like a very professional paper, it is more about understanding and learning and the grammar doesn’t have to be as proper it should be more about details and understanding. The more personal connections the better.


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write my assignment 16945

Here is header file


/* MyString class */

#ifndef MyString_H

#define MyString_H

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class MyString {


   char* str;

   int len;



   MyString(const char* s);

   MyString(MyString& s);


   friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, MyString& s); // Prints string

   MyString& operator=(MyString& s); //Copy assignment

   MyString& operator+(MyString& s); // Creates a new string by concantenating input string



Here is main file, the test file


/* Test for MyString class */

#include <iostream>

#include “mystring.h”

using namespace std;

int main()


char greeting[] = “Hello World!”;

MyString str1(greeting); // Tests constructor

cout << str1 << endl; // Tests << operator. Should print Hello World!

char bye[] = “Goodbye World!”;

MyString str2(bye);

cout << str2 << endl; // Should print Goodbye World!

MyString str3{str2}; // Tests copy constructor

cout << str3 << endl; // Should print Hello World!

str3 = str1; // Tests copy assignment operator

cout << str3 << endl; // Should print Goodbye World!

str3 = str1 + str2; // Tests + operator

cout << str3 << endl; // Should print Hello World!Goodbye World!

return 0;



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