write my assignment 16945

Here is header file


/* MyString class */

#ifndef MyString_H

#define MyString_H

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class MyString {


   char* str;

   int len;



   MyString(const char* s);

   MyString(MyString& s);


   friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, MyString& s); // Prints string

   MyString& operator=(MyString& s); //Copy assignment

   MyString& operator+(MyString& s); // Creates a new string by concantenating input string



Here is main file, the test file


/* Test for MyString class */

#include <iostream>

#include “mystring.h”

using namespace std;

int main()


char greeting[] = “Hello World!”;

MyString str1(greeting); // Tests constructor

cout << str1 << endl; // Tests << operator. Should print Hello World!

char bye[] = “Goodbye World!”;

MyString str2(bye);

cout << str2 << endl; // Should print Goodbye World!

MyString str3{str2}; // Tests copy constructor

cout << str3 << endl; // Should print Hello World!

str3 = str1; // Tests copy assignment operator

cout << str3 << endl; // Should print Goodbye World!

str3 = str1 + str2; // Tests + operator

cout << str3 << endl; // Should print Hello World!Goodbye World!

return 0;


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