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write my assignment 2025

write an approximately 500-word,

Choose 2-3 points in the book outlining the concepts from the book

which you’ve found most meaningful and describing how you anticipate incorporating these new concepts into your professional, academic or personal communications. Make self-reflection.

Please submit as a informal informational report in an email format. grammar, spelling, and sentence construction, the presentation and organization of your ideas, compliance with the specifications of the assignment, and the incorporation of all of the business writing best practices

Use Grammarly ( ), and make indicated corrections


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write my assignment 26840

Your task is to write methods in JAVA for a program that analyzes an arbitrary number of strings passed as arguments on the command line. Like with many large projects, some of the code has been written for you, and you are not allowed to change it. Instead, you are constrained to filling in certain methods, that must operate to fulfill not only individual-method unit tests, but tests that cover larger swaths of code.

As an example, consider that a user calls the program from the terminal without any arguments:

$ java edu.wit.cs.comp1050.PA3a

Please supply at least one argument at the command line.

That is, you will be writing verification that there is at least one argument supplied! Now let’s consider a valid example:

$ java edu.wit.cs.comp1050.PA3a hello world!

Arguments (2, no duplication): hello world!

Length: total=11, avg=6

Shortest (5): <hello>

Longest (6): <world!>

Average (6): <world!>

Now you can see the program in action, but perhaps not all the pieces, so another:

$ java edu.wit.cs.comp1050.PA3a I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouche Scaramouche will you do the Fandango Thunderbolt and lightning very very fright’ning me

Arguments (22, has duplication): I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouche Scaramouche will you do the Fandango Thunderbolt and lightning very very fright’ning me

Length: total=113, avg=5

Shortest (1): first=<I>, last=<a>

Longest (11): first=<Scaramouche>, last=<fright’ning>

Average (5): none

The program produces outputs that counts the overall and average length (rounded to the nearest integer), checks for duplication, and outputs the first and last arguments that have the shortest, longest, and average lengths.

The following methods have been implemented completely, and you are NOT to change them:

·        main: validates input, produces program output

·        firstOfLength/lastOfLength: call a common utility method (that you WILL implement) to find an element of a particular length

·        firstLongestElement/lastLongestElement: call a common utility method (that you WILL implement) to find the longest element

·        firstShortestElement/lastShortestElement: call a common utility method (that you WILL implement) to find the shortest element

The remaining methods must be implemented by you, as guided by the Javadoc and JUnit tests.


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write my assignment 20475

Write 8 pages with APA style on Evluting Humn Resource Mngement. The developments in the field of HRM аre now well documented (see for exаmple, Schuler аnd Jаckson, 1995. Sisson аnd Storey, 2000). Nevertheless, the debаte on HRM issues continues even though its focus hаs chаnged over time. The mаin issue which occupied аcаdemics in the 1980s wаs the evolution of HRM. In this regаrd, the debаte wаs mаinly on the explorаtion of the sаlient аspects of the trаnsformаtion of personnel mаnаgement into HRM. Hаving done so, it moved on to issues pertаining to the incorporаtion of industriаl relаtions into HRM. then the integrаtion of HRM into business strаtegies, devolvement of HRM to line mаnаgers, аnd finаlly seeing HRM аs а source of competitive аdvаntаge for orgаnizаtions. Currently, there is аn ongoing debаte regаrding the contribution of HRM to а firm’s performаnce. With these developments, the nаture of Humаn Resource (HR) function hаs chаnged from being reаctive, prescriptive, аnd аdministrаtive to being proаctive, descriptive аnd executive).

Some аuthors suggest thаt the history of HRM cаn be trаced to Englаnd, where mаsons, cаrpenters, leаther workers, аnd other crаftspeople orgаnized themselves into guilds (Jаckson аnd Schuler, 1995). Crаft guilds supervised quаlity аnd methods of production аnd regulаted conditions of employment for eаch occupаtion. The crаft guilds were controlled by the mаster crаfts worker, аnd the recruit entered аfter а period of trаining аs аn аpprentice. The history then goes to the аrrivаl of the Industriаl Revolution in the lаtter pаrt of the eighteenth century, which lаid the bаsis for а new аnd complex industriаl society. Аs eаrly аs the 1890s, in some compаnies, а few speciаlized personnel аctivities were grouped into lаrger depаrtments. The Civil Service Commission, estаblished by the Pendleton Аct of 1883, hаs hаd mаjor influence on the development of personnel or humаn resources mаnаgement in the United Stаtes.


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write my assignment 9885

Rome’s Major Urban Structures” Please respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

  • Select one (1) of the following famous ancient Roman structures that you find most fascinating: Colosseum, Circus Maximus, Pantheon, insulae, or bath complexes. After exploring the related resource(s) below on Rome, describe one (1) structure that you found most fascinating. Identify two (2) specific aspects of the structure in question, and make a comparison to specific aspects of modern urban life.

Rome’s Major Urban Structures  

  • Chapter 6 (pp. 174-5, 185-187, 191-211), Roman architecture
  • Colosseum images at http:// Maximus images at http:// and http://romancolosseum.org/circus-maximus-in-rome/
  • Circus Maximus article at http://penelope.uchicago.edu/~grout/encyclopaedia_romana/circusmaximus/circusmaximus.html
  • Roman bath complexes at http:// Click on the numbers for a stroll through the Baths of Caracalla


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