write my assignment 9885

Rome’s Major Urban Structures” Please respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

  • Select one (1) of the following famous ancient Roman structures that you find most fascinating: Colosseum, Circus Maximus, Pantheon, insulae, or bath complexes. After exploring the related resource(s) below on Rome, describe one (1) structure that you found most fascinating. Identify two (2) specific aspects of the structure in question, and make a comparison to specific aspects of modern urban life.

Rome’s Major Urban Structures  

  • Chapter 6 (pp. 174-5, 185-187, 191-211), Roman architecture
  • Colosseum images at http:// Maximus images at http:// and http://romancolosseum.org/circus-maximus-in-rome/
  • Circus Maximus article at http://penelope.uchicago.edu/~grout/encyclopaedia_romana/circusmaximus/circusmaximus.html
  • Roman bath complexes at http:// Click on the numbers for a stroll through the Baths of Caracalla
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