write my assignment 8476

Many interventions, protocols, and prevention methods are used to maintain or improve overall human health. The aim of some is to improve quality of life, while others specifically reduce, remove, or eradicate microbial pathogens which would otherwise cause disease.

Many such processes may also result in, or cause, unintended consequences to humans, pathogens, and/or the environment that were not predicted. The most well-known example is that of the rise of multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria following the use (and overuse) of antibiotics.

  1. what is the intent of the following interventions and what is their unintended consequence

a. Use of restroom electric hand dryer

b. Artificial sweeteners and their impact on the gut bacteria

c. Use of Triclosan

2.Offer a solution or remediation for any or all of the resulting consequences from these interventions?

3.What is hygiene hypothesis ?

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