write my assignment 8440

Discussion  Questions  Short answers. I am a black male Answer the following discussion questions

What I like best about being a [ your cultural  identity]_is…

What I most admire about [ your cultural identity] is…

What I most hope for our [ younger generation of your cultural group]’ future is…

What I think most empowers [ your cultural group] is…

What most brings [ your cultural  group] together is…

What most brings [ your cultural  group] and [ different  cultural  groups]  together is…

Discussion  Questions

Living in a diverse community and nation… 

How do you want to perceive  yourself and your life when you are 60?

What can you do to achieve that vision?

What changes might be needed  in the people around you for you to achieve that 


What changes  might be  needed  in society  for you  to achieve  that vision?

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