write my assignment 8199

Golden Mining NL only paid one dividend which Alberto Received before selling his shares of $200 cash with a franking credit of $$86.

Details Relating to Assets Sold:

•        The rental property was originally purchased for $276,800 during 2006 /07.

•        The purchase price included eligible capital works from which Alberto has claimed a deduction of $19,400 during the period held.

•        The Golden Mining shares were purchased for $2,770 during 2007 /08.

•        The Blackpitt shares were purchased for $4,075 during 2011 /12.

•        The holiday house was originally purchased for $428,000 in 2012 /13. Alberto has incurred a further $20,000 in building extensions and $6,800 in rates and insurance during the period held. The property has only ever been used by Alberto for weekends away from Sydney.

•        The artwork was originally purchased in 2014 /15 for $5,000.

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