write my assignment 813

Can anyone help me with writing this codeRead in a code — one character for each of the letters of the alphbet.Next, read in a message.Encode the message using the code.Repeat.For example:Enter the code: QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMThe code is:[Q][W][E][R][T][Y][U][I][O][P][A][S][D][F][G][H][J][K][L][Z][X][C][V][B][N][M]Incoming message: ABCD EFG: HIJ!Coded message: QWER TYU: IOP!Do you want to play again (Y/N)? NALSO! You have to check that there are enough characters in the code. For example:Enter the code: [SOME CODE IS ENTERED WHICH IS LESS THAN 26 CHARACTERS]The code is not big enough!Do you want to play again (Y/N)? Y[CONTINUE]

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