write my assignment 30084

The final exam will be composed of content from the last quarter of the course (see study guide) and will also contain a cumulative section. The cumulative section of the exam will be drawn from the questions below that relate the big themes of the course. You should prepare for the cumulative part of the final by completing the questions below and expecting to answer some of these questions during the final exam period (~5 questions). You will not be allowed to bring the sheets into the exam

1.      Physiology examines proximal and ultimate causes. Choose a physiological process from our studies of either circulation or excretion and explain the proximal (mechanistic cause, i.e. mechanism) and explain the ultimate cause (adaptive significance). Also explain how our understanding of this process is an interdisciplinary pursuit, making use of various scientific sub-disciplines (show how many disciplines are involved in interpreting the data, give three) (10 points).

2.      We spent some time examining the shared derived characteristics of animals (in lab and lecture) from a variety of representative phyla from the animal kingdom. Choose one or more of these animals and describe how they fit into the phyla they belong to, defining the characteristics as needed (e.g. coelomates vs. non-coelomates etc). In addition, choose one clear physiological process from your animal(s) of interest and explain how it works, also drawing comparisons to similar processes in other (maybe higher) organisms (15 points).

3.      One of the important jobs of mammals is the movement of glucose across the intestinal epithelium. Knowing what you do-about the structure of glucose, explain why it can’t easily pass through a phospholipid bilayer. Also, explain all of the transport mechanisms needed to allow the movement of glucose into the blood from the lumen of the gut and then finally into either muscles or the liver (15 points)

4.      Organisms rely on diverse modes of feeding that vary. Animals have different dietary needs, they forage in different ways, they are specifically adapted for the acquisition and digestion of different nutrients. Write-one paragraph that describes how a given animal is particularly suited to the way it feeds and some limitation this animal experiences (10 points).

5.      Various forms of metabolism are employed across species that differ in when they are and what their starting and end products are (e.g. Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Metabolism) (10 points)

6.      Choose a special sense process (e.g. Vision or Hearing, or another one of your choosing) and explain how the special sense organ acts as a transducer, changing one form of stimulus into another (an action potential). Be sure to describe the detailed physiology, including important anatomical components where necessary (10 points).

7.      Define poikilotherm and homeotherm, highlighting how they are different. Both homeotherms and poikilotherms do not have the exact temperature of their surroundings, but have the ability to regulate their body temperature to accommodate their needs. Describe (explaining a few examples for each) how these animals are able to accomplish these ‘thermal feats’ (10 points).

8.      Use diagrams and sentences to explain action potentials, being sure to include the following terms: .Stimulus, depolarization, repolarization, after hyperpolarization, subthreshold stimulus, threshold stimulus, resting membrane potential, activation gates, inactivation gates, mechanical stimulation, hyperpolarization, axon hillock or trigger zone, Na+ channels, K+ channels, refractory period (10 points).

9.      The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems form an autonomic efferent system. What does that mean? Describe the anatomy of these systems including the names of the neurons, the neurotransmitters they produce, and the receptors that are present on effector cells and tissues. Speak to the important role of receptor diversification in allowing varied responses with each branch of this system (e.g. how does receptor diversification contribute to sympathetic effects on bronchioles vs. heart rate or contraction strength) (15 points).

10.      Blood pressure is altered by changes in cardiac output and peripheral resistance. Draw a diagram that relates the various stimuli that control blood pressure and explain specifically the contribution of three ways using a couple of sentences. Please also comment on what is meant by the Frank-Starling Law of the heart and how it is considered to be an intrinsic property (15 points).

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