write my assignment 27500

What will be the following methods in PoliceDatabase class in Java :

 issueInfraction(String license, float amount, String description, Date date) which causes the driver with the given license to receive an infraction for the given amount and description (i.e., reason) on the given date … updating the database as necessary. This method MUST return the Infraction object created. If the number of infractions has reached its limit in the database, then nothing is to be done.

 hasOutstandingInfractions(Driver d) which returns a boolean with a value of true if the driver has any infractions that have not been paid yet, otherwise it should return false.

 shouldStopVehicle(String plate) which decides whether or not the police should pull this vehicle over. It should return a boolean with a value of true if and only if the vehicle has been reportedStolen, or if the vehicle’s owner has at least one outstanding infraction (you MUST make use of the method hasOutstandingInfractions()). Otherwise, the method should return false.

 showInfractionsFor(String license) which displays a list of all infractions that the driver with this license ID has incurred showing (on successive lines) the driver’s infractions … and then finish with the total number of outstanding infractions. Here is the format you should use:

$100.00 Infraction on Sat Mar 03 11:55:00 EST 1990 [PAID IN FULL]

$250.00 Infraction on Tue Oct 06 09:22:00 EDT 1992 [PAID IN FULL]

$280.00 Infraction on Wed Aug 07 09:05:00 EDT 1996 [PAID IN FULL]

$300.00 Infraction on Fri Mar 03 12:15:00 EST 2000 [OUTSTANDING]

$350.00 Infraction on Mon Feb 01 02:04:00 EST 2010 [OUTSTANDING]

Total outstanding infractions = 2

 cleanDrivers() which returns an Driver[ ] of all drivers who have never had any infractions. The array should have a length corresponding exactly to the number of clean drivers (i.e., no nulls).

 showInfractionReport() which lists information about all drivers who have had at least one infraction. Each line in the list should show a driver’s name (formatted to take 20 spaces … using the String.format()) followed by the number of infractions that they received and the total amount for all infractions that they have already paid (formatted as shown) as follows:

Bob B. Pins: 1 infractions, total paid = $ 75.00

Ilene Dover: 4 infractions, total paid = $400.00

Jim Class: 5 infractions, total paid = $630.00

Bob Upandown: 1 infractions, total paid = $ 0.00


… etc…

I have done some of the given methods by my own just stuck at these few can I know what will be its methods because my methods are not running and are incomplete.

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