write my assignment 25881

Which of the following are true (may circle more than 1 answer)? 

Native Americans north of the Rio Grande:

a) Suffered from alcoholism even before Europeans arrived

b) Did not live in large states or kingdoms like their counterparts to the south

c) Were largely immune to smallpox

d) Lost critical diplomatic and military leverage when France lost the Seven Years War

e) Banded together in pan-Indian alliances after the end of the Seven Years War

Which of the following are FALSE statements about the United States Constitution in its original form? May circle more than 1 answer:

a) It explicitly gives states the authority to nullify unpopular federal laws

b) It makes no mention of “slaves” or “slavery”

c) During the Convention the newspapers were filled with details of the delegates’ debates

d) In the original form sent to the states for ratification it contained a Bill of Rights

e) It makes no mention of “God”

Thomas Jefferson did all of the following EXCEPT (may have more than 1 answer):

a) Author the Declaration of Independence

b) Envision the ideal citizen of the republic as an independent small farmer

c) Encourage the acquisition of new western territory

d) Encourage Congress to join the international ban on the transatlantic slave trade

e) Embrace the Anglophilia of his predecessors, Washington and Adams

The concept of “Manifest Destiny” includes all of the following EXCEPT (may circle more than 1 answer):

a) God’s divine plan for American westward expansion

b) American civilization of the wild west

c) Political mechanisms for incorporating new territories as states

d) America as a “melting pot” for immigrants from all over the world

Circle all the TRUE statements. Abraham Lincoln’s policy towards free blacks in Louisiana reveals him to be

a) Finally making good on his longstanding abolitionist beliefs in the fundamental equality of African Americans and white people

b) A president who viewed secessionists as a minority insurgency rather than as a movement of nationalists

c) A consummate realist

d) A stalwart in his support for federal power

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