write my assignment 24334

One Page Rhetorical Analysis on Will Grayson

You will write a single space, Times New Roman, 12 point font paper, completing a rhetorical analysis on the assigned book that proves that the author was intentionally writing a bildungsroman novel. You will provide sufficient evidence as well. Do not write one giant paragraph. You are utilizing your space well. You will have points deducted if you format this incorrectly – whether this be font (and punctuation) size, too short of a paper, or too long of a paper. This will be due by Friday, May 3rd. Submit this to my student work submission email.

One Page Story

You will work independently to complete a half sized poster board or a piece of stock paper that displays important information about your story. This is more creative, so visuals are necessary. You need to include at least three quotes from the text somewhere on the board/paper. This will look like more of a collage. You can draw your own pictures or print off some. It needs to be evident that this is predominately YOUR work. (If you are artistically inclined, you may complete this assignment digitally – just let me know beforehand.)

Creative Response

You will respond to the text in one of the following ways: create a song, poem, diary excerpt, or paper. The response is to what the main character is feeling, at any given portion of the text. It can be at any emotionally climactic point in the text Will Grayson. These moments are typically very defining in a young person maturing from childhood to adulthood, which is the entire purpose of a bildungsroman. Your response will be as if you are speaking directly to the character or stepping into the character’s shoes to better understand them. This will be due by Wednesday, May 8th.


You will explain & elaborate on the text overall & explain how this text allows you to better understand the character, the world, and more importantly, yourself. You should provide sufficient evidence to support your claims. This can be written or video recorded for me. This will be due by Friday, May 10th.

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