write my assignment 23738

For this assignment, use the website link below. You have your  choice of 5 interactive video sections to watch. Each one is about an  hour long.  


You need to choose (1) of the eleven video lectures and watch it all  the way through.  Each lecture has multiple modules that are listed on  the right of the screen.

You will then write a 2-4 page paper broken into (4) key areas.  The  paper should have 1″ margins, double spaced, with an Arial 10 font.

The sections are: (You can use these as section headings, and each  section may be more than 1 paragraph.  Be clear and descriptive)

1.  Introduction to the topic.  In this section you need to provide an overview of the lecture.  

2.  Alternative Medicine focus.  In this section you need to clearly  explain the message of the lecture.  There are multiple sections to  each lecture, make sure you choose key points that clearly explain to  the reader the educational aspect of the lecture. (hint – this should be  at least a page itself)

3.  Personal Opinion.  In this section you need to CLEARLY state  your opinion about what the lecture presented.  I do not care if you  agree or disagree, only that you provide details from the lecture to  defend or argue your point.  If you do not use facts from the lecture in  this section you will lose points.  Your opinion should be as an Allied  Health Professional, NOT as a Consumer.

4.  Closing.  In this section, provide a simple purpose for the  lecture, what opinion you provided, and if you feel the lecture is  positive or negative towards how consumers will view CAM.

You should not use any outside resources.  All details should come  from the Video.  When you select your video, all modules for that  lecture are on the RIGHT side of the screen.  You can replay a module as  needed.  You do not need to watch Questions and Answers, Resources, or  Test.

You DO NOT need to register on the site to view the lectures.  I  have viewed all lectures and they worked fine without being signed in.

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