write my assignment 22320

Write a 18 page essay on Interracial relationship in Emmerdale.

We are in an age where globalization has built a more liberal and understanding attitude towards mutual growth and development.

Interracial marriages are undoubtedly the next step to defining the generation next, which understands the importance of living across cultural barriers (Judice, 56-60. Yancey and Lewis, 66). Children of intercultural marriages are more culturally aware and have a broader perspective to life than the children born into monocultural families (Crippen, 7). The Boston marathon in 2013 was gripped with sudden terror when bombs planted by two youngster “Jihadis”, that injured and killed many innocent runners (Scheer. Hoffman). The racial inclination of the two bombers was later revealed during investigation. Culture is defined as acts of harmony and belief that the members of a community indulge in, while race is defined as a sub-community that has distinct culture and language practices. Over the years, migration and globalization has caused a great deal of exposure to multi-cultural scenario, both in professional and personal lives (Lewis, 268). There are an increasing number of interracial marriages happening in the Western society today.

This trend in the Western society seems to have gripped the attention of media personnel, so much so that they have started using intercultural marriages as background themes to soaps and serials that they create and air to audiences in these countries (Karis and Killian, 65, 126, 165). Even celebrities’ gestures are marked as racist (White). The various aspects of a family that is based on intercultural values are highlighted in these soaps. The popularity of such soaps is a direct indicator of how audiences are able to relate to their real life circumstances and watch the added drama on air (Nittle).

A leading example of intercultural environment created on celluloid or the small screen is the entry of the Sharma family in the Emmerdale series. The story of the family is a

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