write my assignment 19304
Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses service learning assigment. The labor involved is what really opens up the mind and heart so the true meaning of stewardship can be revealed.
The Arlington Chinese Church is a Christian organization that serves the spiritual needs of the Chinese community in Arlington and beyond. In addition to these spiritual needs, the Arlington Chinese Church works to provide cultural understanding, educational opportunity for Mandarin speakers and childcare services. The organization of the church centers on Pastor Leung and his wife Grace. Assisting them in their work is Brenda Bateman, Jason Tsai and Grace Lau. This core group of staff works together to meet the missions of the church.
Most members of the church are Mandarin Chinese immigrants that have converted to Christianity. They are adjusting to their place in American society as immigrants and adjusting to the teachings of a new religion. The Arlington Chinese Church is a missionary minded organization. They take the mandate given to disciples to go into the entire world to spread the Gospel very seriously. The have a number of outreach programs to the Chinese community in and around Arlington as well as missions they support in several countries. All of this results in an influx of new immigrants and Christians into the church on a regular basis. New converts need to have the gospel shared with them in a simple, straightforward manner. Their spiritual needs must be met with exceedingly great compassion because there is much for them to learn about their new country and their new religion.
After meeting with Reverend Leung and Brenda Bateman, the staff felt that I could best help meet the needs of the church in two areas. One area was working with the children in the daycare center. Another area was in the food service for some of our cultural meetings.