write my assignment 1811

the data for this assignment can be found a the following link under WAGE1.DTA


2. Use the data "WAGE1.DT ” in the “TextboelLData” folder on Canvas. Consider the regression modelwage = 60 + ,31 married + figfemale + figmarrz’ed – female + a. (3 Estimate the mean of wage in the dataset. (Use the “summarize” command) ((3 Using the dataset, estimate {30, [13,. . . ,fj‘a. ((1 Using {30, {31, . . . ,63, compute the mean of wage for those with married = female = 1. Is it thesame as ycmr previous answer? ) (b) Estimate the mean of wage for those with married : female : 1. (Use the “summarize” command)))

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