write my assignment 14950

For the libarary schema shown write queries for the following:List all branch names and their addresses • List the complete information of all publishers. • List all borrower names, addresses and their phone numbers • List all book titles and their authors • List the names and how many copies are there of the following book with id: 232323 

[ About] JAVA_ SQL_ Assignm X| four) Artificial Intelligence . PC loud) Java assignment-gettin\boos ] Fundamentals of Datab bond ) [Y501 – 4594 (1) . PdfAlook ) Unit Z Assignment . poff+O` file" / / / DO / CSGAO/JAVA_ SQL_ Assignment . pdf" " "1 – Create in MySQL the LIBRARY database / schema which consists of the following tables . Take aPitsen of your environment ( showing the tables ) and paste it in the word document .BOOKBook_id Title Publisher_ name*BOOK_ AUTHORSBook_ id| Author_ namePUBLISHERName Address Phone*BOOK_ COPIESBook_ id Branch_ id No of copies*BOOK_ LOANSBook_ id| Branch_ id Card_ no| Date_ out Due_ date*LIBRARY BRANCHBranch_ id Branch_ name AddressBORROWERCard_ no| Name Address| Phone*2 – In NetBeans create forms to fill the tables with the following data . Take a Prison of each(empty and completed ) form and add to the word document . After filling the tables , take aDO more with Microsoft Edge – the fast , new browser built for Windows 10 .Change my defaultDon’t ask againXXIO Type here to searchL`WE

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