write my assignment 11223

It isn’t enough to merely wish for financial success. You must know the level of financial success you want and desire it so much that is becomes an obsession. Many people will say that they want to be financially successful but have no idea as to the level of success they desire. How can you go somewhere if you do not know where you’re going?As an individual desiring financial success, you must first form an idea of what financial success means to you. Only by knowing what represents financial success to you, will you know how to go about attaining that level of success.There is a difference between merely wishing for success and desiring success financially. There are people who go about wishing all day. When you simply think about how nice it would be to acquire wealth but do absolutely nothing about it, you’re merely wishing; when you however imagine what it will feel like to be having wealth, and actually begin to put plans into place for acquiring wealth, and then you have a desire. As Napoleon Hill puts it in Think and grow rich, 


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