write my assignment 10518

In 2011, pop music sensation One Direction became the first English music group to reach the number one spot on the Billboard 200 chart with a debut album. Assembled by Simon Cowell in 2010 and introduced on Cowell’s The X Factor television series, One Direction quickly amassed tween fans in England and the United States through a unique interactive marketing campaign. According to the campaign’s narrative, a One Direction superfan who went by the moniker “1DCyberpunk” stole the band’s laptop, promising only to give it back when fans proved their support by completing a series of social media-based challenges. Active participants were rewarded with exclusive content and events, culminating in a massive online album listening party during which the laptop was finally returned.

Emma Hall, “U.K. Boy Band One Direction Rises Via Social Media,” Advertising Age, April 12, 2012, http://adage.com/article/global-news/u-k-boy-band-direction-rises-social-media/234105 (Accessed March 25, 2013).

What is likely the target market for this campaign?

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