write my assignment 10249


You are to develop a website based on the design document you submitted for Website Design Document assignment. This website must contain a minimum of 10 pages, based on the specifications submitted in the design document.


While building your website, consider the following points, against which your work will be marked:

  1. Your website must have at least 10 pages
  2. Text content and headings must be relevant to the topic of the website
  3. Images must be relevant to the topic.
  4. Use font(s) specified in the design documents
  5. Contain design elements specified in design document
  6. Effective navigation for desktop and mobile
  7. Use consistent layout throughout the website
  8. Your website must contain responsive elements
  9. Website must be functional on mobile and desktop
  10. Valid HTML markup
  11. Structured HTML markup
  12. Structured application of styles
  13. Effective use of Javascript
  14. Effective operation from a server
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