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write my assignment 18604

What criteria or needs determine the type of health program or initiative that will be implemented? How might health care administrators identify the needs of their target audience or community when planning health programs or initiatives?

Formative evaluation processes aid health care administrators in determining the needs of a target audience or community. The identification of these needs, in turn, help to outline the type of health program or initiative that is to be developed. Once the needs and type of health program or initiative are identified, health care administrators can then determine how best to install this type of health care service and to determine measures that might be used to gauge the success or effectiveness of the service, once installed. Engaging in formative evaluation is a critical tool for the health care administrator and is a process that you will most likely encounter in practice.

For this Assignment, review formative evaluation processes in the resources for this week. Then, consider how formative evaluation might be used to develop your marketing plan. Reflect on how you might include formative evaluation methods in the design of your health care services marketing plan and consider why this might be important for the practice of health care administration.

Note: The completion of this Assignment will consist of the elements necessary for Component 6 of your Final Project.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

  • Describe two examples of formative evaluation for health programs that you might use in your marketing plan.
  • Describe how you will include formative evaluation methods in designing your health care services marketing plan and explain why.

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write my assignment 16316

Write a 1 page essay on Ospedale degli Innocenti.

Ospedale degli Innocenti is one of the great architectural masterpieces by Filippo Brunelleschi. The building is located in Florence, Italy. Its title is translated as a hospital of innocents and often referred as a foundling hospital in literature. Built during 1419–1451 to serve as an orphanage and hospital for children, the building represents clear influences of new architecture which came to replace dominant gothic motifs (Günther, 2010). The building was finished after the death of the architect. It is absolutely symmetrical and orderly organized which is typical for ancient Roman buildings. Inner courtyard of Ospedale degli Innocenti reminds Roman forum plan. It has an open space surrounded by arcades which create some private space in urban settings. Rectangular and square forms dominate the space. Columns are very important elements of traditional Roman architecture. In order to stress the symmetry of the building, all columns have equal distance between them. Corinthian capitals add ornamentation to the building. Moreover, Brunelleschi designs fluted pilasters which are aimed at decorating the building and keeping the same order of symmetry (LaChiusa, 2002). This arcade on the ground floor of the building becomes the distinguishing feature of the building and makes it easy to recognize. Rounded arches which enclose the arcade create more space for decorum (LaChiusa, 2002). Overall, the exterior of the building shows that the architect was inspired by classical Roman architecture.


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write my assignment 24519

Compose a 1750 words essay on Write a team about the economic history of a Canadian town or city of your own choosing. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Furthermore, Ontario is the main manufacturing centre with many industries ranging from communication technologies, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical services. In the entire Northern America, Ontario has the largest jurisdiction in North America in terms of assembly of automobiles according to the available statistics, in 2011. Canada exported 88% of its produced vehicles most of them destined for the United States. In the same year again, Ontario made exports from its manufacturing industries worthy $258 billion (Ontario, 2014). In terms of employees, Ontario has a higher number of employees in its manufacturing industries compared to Texas and California. In the agricultural sector, Ontario has got the first class farming lands in the entire country and there are about 51,950 farms according to the 2011 census. When translated in the entire country, they make about a quarter of the entire productive land in Canada. The main production from Ontario’s agricultural sector include, flowers, cash crops, fruits, dairy and beef cattle farms, ornamentals, and vegetables (Ontario, 2014). The forestry sector also contributes to Canada’s economy. it supports the standard of living to about 53,000 people. In mineral production, the city produced a revenue of $10 billion dollars in 2011 (Ontario, 2014).

The economic history of Ontario dates back to 12,000 years before the arrival of the European settlers. The Iroquoian and Algonquian had settled on Ontario in the past 12000 years (Ontario, 2014). In early 1600s, both British and French colonist started arriving to work in Ontario (Ontario, 2014). After the 7 year old war from 1756-1763, most of the land had been grabbed by the British settlers. This area was later named the province of Quebec that covered Ontario, Part of the United States, and Quebec. Immediately after the revolution, most of the Americans loyal to the British settlers moved to Ontario (Ontario, 2014). Later, Ontario was


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write my assignment 3954

I need to explain the following action: Describe how to reach out and scratch your nose in anatomical and physiological terms but it is important to use all the following words in your short essay:

Antagonistic muscles

Central pattern generators

Corticospinal tracts

Golgi tendon organs

Lateral corticospinal tract

Medial corticospinal tract

Mirror neurons

Motor program

Muscle spindle

Nuclei of the cerebellum

Posterior parietal cortex

Premotor cortex

Primary motor cortex

ProprioceptorSubstantia nigra

Supplementary motor cortex

Vestibular nucleus

So the essay should explain how you scretch your nose and should use all those terms.


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