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write my assignment 22920

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Academic Argument.

tes need to enforce teachers to teach their cultural and social values to children so that they can reflect the signs of a strong local community when they grow up.

Dewey discussed that the distinction between progressive and traditional education is not particularly meaningful: what really matters is the vision of society for action that an education embodies (Kaplan, 1997).

Teachers need protection of the states even when they teach what the states want them to teach in order to perform required social development based on objectives learning. Based on a clear contract between a state or local schools and teachers, no one would criticize what the teachers teach. Moreover, increased job opportunities and a better job environment for teachers would also play a significant role in making this profession attractive for teachers.

Parents have a strong concern about what teachers teach to their kids in local schools. States’ role in the development of curriculum is very important for parents to determine whether they should put their kids in public schools to learn particular curriculum of science, religion, or moral values or not. Obviously, parents play an important role of involvement and participation in terms of creating successful education endeavors.

Curriculums help in determining what students need to achieve or do in any particular academic year (Perkins-Gough, 2003). Parents always expect schools to provide the best education to their children to help them in marking their educational achievements (Seginer, 1983).

Performance appraisal helps in determining whether an employee is meeting the standards set by the company or not. In case of teachers, this appraisal will help in knowing whether teachers are doing their jobs in accordance with the standards or not. If a teacher is found negligent in following the standards, proper actions can be taken against him/her, whereas certain rewards and incentives can be given to the obeying teachers as


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write my assignment 1302

South University NSG 5003 Week 1 South University NSG 5003 Quiz 1

Quiz 1 to Quiz 9

Quiz 1 

Why is it possible for potassium to diffuse easily into and out of cells?

The resting plasma membrane is more permeable to potassium.

A major determinant of the resting membrane potential necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses is the ratio between:

Intracellular and extracellular K+

What is a consequence of plasma membrane damage to the mitochondria?

Influx of calcium ions halts ATP production.

Current research supports the belief that after heart muscle injury, the…


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write my assignment 2612

Answer the questions (i) and (iii) after going through the following class:

class Seminar{int time;public://Function 1{time = 30;cout << “Seminar starts now” << endl;}//Function 2{cout << “Lectures in the seminar on” << endl;}//Function 3{time = duration;cout << “Seminar starts now” << endl;}//Function 4{cout << “Thanks” << endl;}};

i. Write statements in C++ that would execute Function 1 and Function 3 of class Seminar.

ii. In Object Oriented Programming, what is Function 4 referred as and when does it get invoked/called?

iii. In Object Oriented Programming, which concept is illustrated by Function 1 and Function 3 together?


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write my assignment 17700

Comment réussir dans la vente sur internet?Dans le monde actuel,les gens se précipitent trop vite ,ils sont pressés et n’ont méme pas le temps de lire peut étre cet article. La majorité de techniciens qui sont dans la vente perdent énormément de temps à reproduire les mémes choses ,à réécrire des lettres ,des méthodes qui ne font que retourner contre eux méme; comme si on crache au ciel et ça nous revient dans la bouche, l’utilisation des e-mails programmés aweber agacent les gens, certes en un seul clic de souris ,on envoit des milliers de courrier eléctronique mais la majorité finissent à la poubelle, tout simplement ses gens ont été soit victime d’arnaques ,alors là ils ne regardent méme pas l’information surtout en voyant les mots style (Argent du net ,gagnez ceci, gagnez cela etc…)c’est ce que je fais moi de toute façon,ou bien ils retrouvent vraiment un bon contenu,des informations intéressantes et qu’ils n’ont pas le temps de tout lire, alors dans ce cas ils le laissent de coté pour peut étre y revenir un jour.Je pense que dans toute chose , il faut pas étre excéssif car cela est trés nocif, plus on se concentre sur la vente rapide et moins on gagne de l’argent.Je pense qu’il faut avant tout faire créer une confiance entre vous et le lecteur pour définir ces vrai attentes ,le vrai vouloir et désir de celui -ci pour qu’enfin il redevient client et accepte d’acheter votre produit.J’ai pensé à écrire cet article pour expliquer en bref comment j’aurai aimé voir se dérouler les opérations de la vente sur internet en tant que client afin de permettre aux vendeurs et techniciens de gagner peut étre du temps et de l’argent.Par http://arouy13.overblog.com


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