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write my assignment 2798

The respiratory system allows for gas exchange to happen in the lungs. How does the respiratory system affect the cardiovascular system? The respiratory system supplies the carbon dioxide that the cardiovascular system transports to the different cells for the production of energy. The respiratory system supplies the oxygen that the cardiovascular system transports to the different cells for the production of energy. The cardiovascular system supplies the carbon dioxide that the respiratory system transports to the different cells for the production of energy. The cardiovascular system supplies the oxygen that the respiratory system transports to the different cells for the production of energy.


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write my assignment 24115

that airport and the time it is scheduled to arrive.

Problem 1. Consider the problem of planning the fastest plane trip from Sacramento to Shamb-hala. Assume that you know for each airport the time each flight is scheduled to leave fromthat airport and the time it is scheduled to arrive. You may further assume that each flightwill be exactly on schedule and that all flights are for one 24 hour period. (a) Describe an eflicient algorithm to find the route which gets you to Shambhala in theleast time assuming you arrive at the Sacramento airport at 10AM. You may assume that ifyou arrive at an airport at time 73, you can depart on any flight leaving after time t. (b) If there are a. airports and fi flights leaving airport 2′, what is the run time of yoursolution to part a)? Problem 2. Suppose we have a directed graph G and a weight matrix W such that W[i, j] is thetime in seconds it takes to traverse arc (i, j). In addition, suppose that each time you gothrough an intermediate node there is a delay of 2 seconds. Thus the path 2′ — j — k — r takestime W[i,j] + 2 + W[j,k] + 2 + W[k,r] to go from i to 3′. We want to find the path withsmallest delay from node as to all other nodes. We assume all values in W are positive. (3) Describe how to modify Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the least delay path from a startnode a: to all other vertices. Specifically, when we process a vertex 1) describe how to updatethe labels of all the neighbors of t). (b) What is the running time of your algorithm on a graph with n nodes and m arcs whichis stored using adjacency lists? (0) What is the running time of your algorithm on a graph with n nodes and m arcs whichis stored using an adjacency matrix? Problem 3. Describe a constant-time algorithm, an improvement of the Cashier’s algorithm, that,given an input of m dollars, returns q (quarters), d (dimes), n (nickels) and p (pennies) togive change with the fewest coins. You may assume (somewhat unrealistically) that you cando standard arithmetic operations on any size numbers in 0(1) time. Also, assume there isno $1 denomination (i.e., the largest coin returned is a quarter).


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write my assignment 21282

Need an argumentative essay on How to Cope with the Problematic Situation. Needs to be 10 pages. Please no plagiarism.

The common feature of any social group or any size is that its members differ in the degree of their influence, and “… the person who exerts the most influence on the rest of the group thus affecting group beliefs and behavior is usually addressed as the leader” (Hollander 1985, p. 14). However, while this definition of leadership highlights the essence of leadership, it is only one of the numerous of definitions that have been proposed in the literature: the second edition of The Handbook of Leadership by Bass lists more than 130 definitions of this phenomenon and 13 major approaches (Bass, 1990, p. 12). Availability of such versatile data significantly facilitates analysis of problems related to leadership because in many cases the existing approaches and definitions are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary. The present report is an attempt to analyze a situation that provides valuable insights into the essential aspects of leadership and is directly linked to the effectiveness of managerial work.

The story of Ted Willis who has been hired as the new supervisor suggests he is likely to face the classic type of leadership problem: the new leader vs. the old leader. One should not get misled by the fact that Ted is the new supervisor and the old supervisor has been fired. The so-called ‘workers of influence’ theory of leadership is particularly important to understand the distinction between managers and leaders.

The key idea of this theory is that leadership may be exhibited by anyone in the organization in any type of position (Yukl 1989). According to this theory, leaders may operate at different levels within the organization and within the same hierarchical level as their followers. Such perception of leadership conflicts the traditional theories which treat it as a set of attributes and behaviors exhibited by persons with legitimate.


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write my assignment 117

Following are questions I am submiting 3 Questions for May 30, 2010.Your analysis should be from two to three paragraphs in length and should not exceed one page.1)A large oil manufacturing company is interested in starting an online exchange. What actions and key steps would you recommend the company undertake to achieve this goal? (20 marks)Part A: Short-Answer Questions Answer each question in one to two paragraphs. (8 marks each)4.What are information portals, and why are they an important benefit of e-commerce? 5.Discuss the benefits for a company to lease an e-commerce application rather than purchase one.


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