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write my assignment 19578

Complete 18 page APA formatted essay: Gibbs Reflection Model.

This research will begin with the statement that reflection is an introspective study not only about ourselves but also about the decisions and actions we pursue. Reflection is crucially important in various areas of study or in the workplace to help us to reflect on our thoughts and actions which would, in turn, facilitate improvement through assessment. Reflection can be defined in many different ways – For example, Boud aptly defines reflection as ‘an important human activity in which people recapture their experience, think about it, mull it over and evaluate’. In the context of learning, reflection is viewed as a term in which people can assess their experiences.In the opinion of Margaret, it is suggested that reflection allows the interconnections between observations, previous experiences, and judgment to come to the fore in clinical decision-making. Reflection serves to bring insightful meaning to our experiences and promotes a deeper understanding and better approach to learning because it encourages trainees to reframe problems, questions their own assumptions, and look at situations from multiple perspectives as they analyze their lived experiences. Reflection fosters lifelong learning because it encourages trainees to recognize gaps in their own knowledge and attend to their own learning needs by searching for possible solutions. From a learning point of view, we understand that reflection enables learners to reflect and develop critical thinking skills which are not only important but essential to clinical decision-making and practice. It also encourages learners to take control of their own learning needs, facilitating their professional development, problem-solving, and lifelong learning. The use of journal writing as a means of promoting reflection and learning in educational settings has been widely advocated


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write my assignment 13641


using this link, the questions are :

Qi) By hovering over the graph with your mouse/cursor the FRED graphing page will show you the number value (level) for this CPI measure for any observation in this data set. Use these numbers to calculate and report in your assignment answers the TOTAL inflation in the U.S. Economy from Jan 1947 to Jan. 1973.

Qii) From your answer to Qi) above determine what the AVERAGE annual inflation from Jan 1947 to Jan 1973 was in the U.S. Economy.

Qiii) Now use this same approach to calculate the AVERAGE annual inflation from Dec. 1972 to Dec. 2017 in the U.S. Economy. What can you say about early U.S. inflation compared to more recent decades?

Qiv) There is an observable peak in the U.S. Price Level in July of 2008. What was the inflation rate for the year leading up to this peak? Was this much different from the average since 1973? What explanation can you think of for this inflation episode?

Qv) In what particular year-month after July of 2008 did the CPI index finally surpass the July 2008 value? What was the AVERAGE MONTHLY inflation rate between July 2008 and this particular year-month? Has inflation been unusual in the U.S. economy since July 2008 and up to 2017?


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write my assignment 22181

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Report on the religious life of planet earth.

Contemporary issues that affect the society such as abortion are for example defined by religious beliefs among members of the society. Similarly, major wars and conflicts that are experienced on the global scope are religiously motivated. Religion specifically embeds practices among people and defines cultural values and practices with focus on general principles of life. Further, religion is ‘cross-cultural’ and exhibits a general trend across cultures. This means that regardless of differences among religious beliefs, they are guided by similar fundamental principles (Nye, 2008).

Hinduism is one of the religious beliefs that are widely practices across the globe. It believes in unity that is under one supernatural power with people hope to be united after the life on earth. In order to achieve this, Hindus believe in cycles of life in which a person’s next life is determined by the deeds in their current life. Another major belief is found in Judaism. Having originated among Jews, Judaism believes in the existence of one supreme God who controls the whole universe. God is believed to monitor everything that takes place on earth and punishes those who do evil but rewards the righteous. Determination of righteousness is defined by a set of rules that God is believed to have delivered to his people through his prophet Moses and other prophets. Life after death, through resurrection is one of the fundamental hopes of Judaism belief. Similarly, Islamic belief is centered on a sole supernatural power, in Allah. Islam also believes in existence of sin and the promise of eternal punishment for sinners and an ultimate reward of the righteous by Allah. The three religious beliefs are therefore centered on the fundamental principles of existence of a supernatural being who punisher evil and rewards righteousness among people (Omsakthi, 2010).

The scope of religion that includes cultural orientation and judgment by the


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write my assignment 17835

  1. (Basically, you are writing a program to play the higher/lower guessing game) 
  2. Clear the display.
  3. Display the string “semester” on row 4 column 0 of the display.
  4. Display the string “Assignment #5” on row 5, column 0 .
  5. Display name on row 6 column 0 of the display.
  6. Begin displaying the guessing game on row 8, column 0.
  7. Generate a random number between 0 and 100
  8. Prompt user to guess a number between 0 and 100.
  9. Based on your randomly generated number, and tell the user whether the real number is higher, lower, or correct. (“100 is too high” or “50 is too low”)
  10. Continue to allow the user to guess until they get the correct number. Once they have the correct value, ask them if like to play again. If yes, clear the display and start over. If no, exit the program.

Sample Run

Assembler  Persons Name** i need you to the stuff under neath line**Guess a number between : too high Guess again: too low Guess again: correct! Would you like to play again? ( , )


Need wrt carriage return to the console (this is what happens when you press “enter”.)


Irvine Procedures:

– Clrscr 

– Gotoxy

– WriteString 

– ReadDec 

– Randomize 

– RandomRange 

– WriteDec 

The following are some helpfup reminders to various MASM instructions we have used this semester.











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