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write my assignment 21376

Create a 5 page essay paper that discusses The reproductive system.

The penis consists of three columns of erectile tissue wrapped in connective tissue covered with skin. The penis has a root, body (shaft), and glans penis. The corpus spongiosum expands at the distal end to form the glans penis. The urethra extends throughout the length of the corpus spongiosum and opens through the external urethral orifice at the tip of the glans penis. A loose fold of skin, called the prepuce, or foreskin, covers the penis (Young et al, 2000). The male sexual response includes erection and orgasm accompanied by ejaculation of semen. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates spermatogenesis. luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the production of testosterone. and testosterone stimulates the development of male secondary sex characteristics and spermatogenesis (Young et al, 2000).

A womans reproductive cycles last from menarche to menopause. The female reproductive organs include the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, accessory glands, and external genital organs. The organs of the female reproductive system create and maintain the female egg cells (ova). It transports the ova to be fertilized by sperm, provides a location for the developing fetus and moves the fetus out at the end of the development period as well as producing female sex hormones (Young et al, 2000).

Ovaries, the primary female reproductive organs, are solid structures about the size and shape of an almond located in shallow depressions, ovarian fossae, one on each side of the uterus, in the lateral walls of the pelvic cavity (Young et al, 2000). Two uterine tubes, Fallopian tubes, are connected with each ovary. Once inside the Fallopian tube, the oocyte is moved along by the rhythmic beating of cilia on the epithelial lining and by peristaltic action of the smooth muscle in the wall of the tube. The passage through the Fallopian tube takes about seven days and because the oocyte is fertile for only 24 to 48


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write my assignment 24056

Hi, I need help with essay on Genetically Modified Organisms. Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

An organism that has been subjected to such genetic manipulation is referred to as a genetically modified organism.

Genetic modification involves the altering of the DNA code in a cell that is artificially grown in a laboratory before being reinserted into the same organism or an unrelated organism. The totality of genetic information that is present within the DNA of an organism is called genome, and this information is coded in such a way that it can be understood by all other living species. According to this coding system, four nucleotides are required to provide instructions to a cell on how it is to make any protein. (Steinbrecher, 1998).

Nucleotides are DNA units whose names are listed as letters – A, C, G and T. The arrangement of these in three letter words is equivalent to the code for specific amino acids. Within each gene, there are also regulatory elements which function as flags to control gene activity. Each gene also has an information block, which prevents gene activity from moving in an unusual direction. As a result, gene regulation is specific to the context of its environment.(Steinbrecher, 1998).

The process of genetically modifying an organism, which transports a gene from one organism into another, must also provide a means to circumvent the information block with cells of each organism, in order to provide recognizable flags or control sequences, which the other organism will recognize and accept. This is accomplished through the use of viruses, which are able to integrate their own DNA information into a host cell and cause it to multiply. This occurs due to the presence of powerful promoters in the viral cells that force the host cell to read viral genes and produce viral proteins, thereby producing construct or combined genes that can be used to produce desired changes in an organism (Steinbrecher, 1998).

One of the most common examples of genetically modified organisms are crops such as pest resistant


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write my assignment 30060

Need help with my writing homework on Accounting questions. Write a 500 word paper answering; Accounting questions A The need for closing temporary accounts and journal entries for closing supplies expense account The main reason why temporary accounts are closed at the end of an accounting period is because the accounts relates to investment transactions in the particular periods and needs to reflected in the income statements of the specific periods in which the transactions occurred as provided for by the accruals concept.

Journal entry (extract for expense account)






To record cash expenditure on supplies




How to construct an unadjusted trial balance and example of debit credit rule

An unadjusted trial balance is constructed from the closing balances of all accounts in an accounting period. The balances are correspondingly transferred to either the debit or the credit side of the trial balance.

An example of the debit credit rule that is applicable to the development of a trial balance is the requirement that the sum of the debit entries be equal to the sum the credit entries.


Smart hiring and internal control

Internal controls aims at ensuring quality and minimum standards in accounting processes. This includes ensuring legal and ethical competence among accounting staff. Smart hiring processes that ensures recruitment of the desired qualities of employees therefore facilitates the purpose of internal controls.


The control through smart hiring can be implemented by applying a wide scoped recruitment strategy followed by a well predefines selection criteria such as practice based interviews. Further training also facilitates competencies towards effective internal controls.


Application of the FIFO method

Inventory valuation using the FIFO method assumes that older inventories are sold first.

Impact of FIFO on gross profit

The method varies gross profit with trend of cost of supplies. It leads to higher gross profit margin when costs of purchases are rising with time.


Acid test ratio=current assets/current liabilities

The ratio is computed by dividing the sum of current assets by current liabilities

Application in ‘decision-making’

The ratio shows an organization’s capacity to meet its ‘short-term’ obligations. Lenders and suppliers therefore use it to determine an organization’s capacity to finance its debts.



Computation of the ‘straight-line’ depreciation method

The ‘straight-line’ method is computed by determining the depreciable value that is then equally distributed to the life of the item.


Since there is no final salvage value, depreciable amount = 25000-0=25000


=$6250 per year


Selling price

The bond’s selling price is $ 1000, the face value.

Recording the sale

Depending in the issuing approach, bank account is debited and issue of bonds account credited with the selling price as shown in the journal entries bellow

Journal entry (extract)





Issue of bonds

To record receipt from sale of bonds




Preparation of common size financial statements

Common size statements are prepared by expressing items in a statement as a percentage of a chosen item in the statement.

Application of the statements in ‘decision-making’

The results of the statement are useful in determining desirable profit margins based on past trends in margins.



Benefits of a corporation’s separate legal entity

The legal entity ensures continuity of the enterprise through perpetual succession and limited liabilities.

Benefits of right to vote

The right to vote is important because it is the stockholder’s tool towards management of the enterprise and it checks on the director’s managerial decisions.


Cost of goods sold


=$ 2880


‘Short-term’ investments

Examples of ‘short-term’ investments include investments in securities, working capital and loan advancements. While securities involve purchase of stock of another company, investment in working capital involves plowing back of profits and loan advancement involves provision of financial services at an interest.


Wood, F. and Sangster, A. (2008). Frank Woods Business Accounting 1.


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write my assignment 27910

Question:As a project management professional, it is important for you to be able to review numbers and report on what they are saying. It is also important for you to be able to use software that helps you keep timelines and keep the project running on time and smoothly. This assignment will continue to help prepare you for your responsibilities.

Respond to the Following Problems

You are a project manager on a project that uses earned value management. The project has the following budget and status:

Project Duration (months):


Current Reporting Period (month):




Cumulative PV:


Cumulative AC:


% of the project completed through the reporting period:


Estimate to Complete:


Based on this information, determine the following:

  1. Cumulative EV
  2. Schedule Variance (SV)
  3. Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
  4. Cost Variance (CV)
  5. Cost Performance Index (CPI)
  6. EAC (bottom-up)
  7. VAC (bottom-up)
  8. TCPI

Based on your calculations in Question 1 above, respond to the following:

  1. What is the status of project accomplishment performance through the current reporting period? Why?
  2. What is the status of project cost performance through the current reporting period? Why?
  3. Is the project projected to complete over or under-budget? Why?
  4. Interpret the TCPI metric.

Based on your calculations in Question 1 above, an inexperienced and arrogant project analyst from the project management office has computed an additional metric: Cost Schedule Index, which equals SPI * CPI. He wants you to report this metric to the customer, instead of SPI and CPI separately. What should you do and why?

The program manager doubts your numbers. In particular, he does not believe your EAC number and requests that you calculate two independent EACs. In particular, he wants the following IEACs calculated from rows two and four in Table 23-5 in Snyder, (2013).

  1. Compute IEAC1= ((BAC- EV)/CPI) + AC
  2. Compute IEAC2= ((BAC- EV)/(SPI*CPI)) + AC
  3. Interpret IEAC1
  4. Interpret IEAC2
  5. Based on items 1-4 above, what do you think the program manager will request from you regarding the bottom-up EAC?

You are having a hallway conversation with the same project analyst from Question 3, who is realizing that he may not know as much about earned value management as he thought when he joined the company. Still, he is convinced that the following statements below are correct. How would you respond to him based on each statement (i.e., formulate a specific response and supporting rationale for each statement below)?

  1. EAC becomes Cumulative AC at project completion.
  2. Cumulative EV can be greater than BAC at project completion.
  3. EAC can be smaller than BAC at project completion.
  4. ETC can be greater than 0 at project completion.


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