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write my assignment 3191

1.      Compare and contrast the Keynesian perspective from the neoclassical perspective.

a.      Identify and discuss the main assumptions in each perspective.

b.     Explain how these assumptions lead to different conclusions about the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy in the short run and the long run.

c.      Identify the AD/AS and the Phillips Curve models that would be most appropriate for each perspective.

d.     If you were asked to identify whether a policy maker took more of a Keynesian approach or whether she took more of a neoclassical approach, what information would you need to answer that question?


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write my assignment 11200

Now change the pricing in the Part I program to include the following price changes and adjustments.

Category Price Adjustment



The price is $10 if there are more than 8 children. Adjust the child price in the output display but make sure you only use one cout for the children line item.



Add the total number of tickets to the display.

All groups with more than 20 people or 14 or more children must pay a $15.00 security fee. Add the security fee to the total bill. Only display the security fee if it’s part of the total bill.

Add a pretest while loop so the program executes until the user enters -1 for the child ticket value. See the pretest loop example in the Chapter Two Repetition Notes. Review the example that uses price to determine how the loop executes.

Add a posttest do loop to verify that the cash entered is enough to pay the bill. If it is not, display a message and request the cash again.

Add a confirmation number to the receipt. The first number should be 100 and then add 1 for each new receipt.


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write my assignment 29266

The class has three instance fields:

name, the name of the bookstore

tickets, an ArrayList<Ticket> storing Ticket objects

merchandise, an ArrayList<Merchandise> storing

Merchandise objects

getName() returns the name of the bookstore.

getTicketDates() returns an ArrayList<Date> of all the dates for which tickets are still available. If there are no tickets available, an empty list is returned.

getTickets (Date date) returns an integer indicating the number of tickets available for the specified date.

getTicket(long id) returns the Ticket that matches the specified id. If there is no Ticket matching the given id, null is returned.

getMerchandise()returns an ArrayList<Merchandise> of all the inventory (in-stock and ordered). This method must create a separate copy of the ArrayList before it returns the list. If there are no merchandise items in the AmusementPark, an empty list is returned.

getMerchandise(String category) returns a list of Merchandise objects whose category matches the specified category. For example, if called with “T-shirt” the method returns all Merchandise objects with the category “T-shirt” as a new list. This method must create a new copy of an ArrayList that stores all the matched Merchandise objects. If no items in the AmusementPark match the given name, an empty list is returned.

getMerchandise(long id) returns the merchandise item that matches the specified id. If there is no merchandise item matching the given id, null is returned.

addTicket(Ticket) adds a new Ticket to the inventory of the


addMerchandise(Merchandise) adds a new Merchandise to the inventory of the AmusementPark.

buyMerchandise(String id) removes a Merchandise object from the list of merchandise of the AmusementPark. If the id does not match any Merchandise object in the list, an exception is thrown.

buyTicket(String id) removes a Ticket object from the list of ticket items of the AmusementPark. If the id does not match any Ticket object in the list, an exception is thrown.

Design a tester class called AmusementParkTester. The tester class has a main() method and tests the functionality of the class AmusementPark as follows:

Create AmusementPark and name it “Walden Amusement Park”.

Create a minimum of three Ticket objects and add them to the bookstore.

Createatleast of eachcategory,and themtothe

< > up a loop to:

Display ashort that ato differentactions thegift such aslooking oror Use allof accessor the access Usethe given to purchases.

< > the user for a specific action.

Depending the action the forinput such astheof aorcategory,etc. touse main() tohandleeach separately.

Performthe action and such asthelist of the has thetoString() to display on the

< > the user for continued access to the AmusementParkprogram should handle input errors gracefully. For example, if a particular ticket is searched and not found, the program should display a message such as “Selected ticket not found.”

Implementation Notes:

All createa newtocopy newlist.This loopsto accessfromthe instance fieldsand addingthemto the new

< > error handling is essential for this project.

Javadoc be used to and


Submission Requirements:

< > project submission should have four files for this assignment:< > – The Ticket class,< > – The Merchandise class,< > – The AmusementPark class,< > – A driver program for testing your AmusementPark class


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write my assignment 25043

In 2008, more than one million American students gave nearly 20 million service hours to their communities. They made a difference in people’s lives and learned some important life lessons in the process. Organizations, including schools, are actively promoting service for all citizens as a way to be involved, help others, and improve themselves. Service is helping other people and being active in your community. For example, one group of teens planted a community garden with their friends. They grow a variety of vegetables. The garden requires regular care. The teens donate the produce to a local soup kitchen. Workers there use the produce to help feed people in the community. By tending the garden and donating their produce, the teens are actively helping make life a bit better for others in their community. Service is valuable in ways that cannot be measured in dollars. People volunteer or serve others without expecting money or gifts in return. Service is not about earning money. It is not just collecting money to give to a group. It is about action and contributing to the common good. The people who serve as well as those who receive help benefit in many ways that are more important than money or gifts. For example, a soup kitchen provides essential food to people who may otherwise go hungry. The soup kitchen is extremely valuable for those struggling to get enough to eat. Those serving learn about compassion and how helping others can improve life for all. Millions of Americans are making society better for themselves and for others. They are participating citizens in their community, raising up those who are less fortunate. In return, they become better people who can understand the perspectives and needs of others, which are invaluable and important qualities of good citizens. Which sentence best represents the main idea of paragraph (2), the first body paragraph? They made a difference in people’s lives and learned some important life lessons in the process. Service is helping other people and being active in your community. It is about action and contributing to the common good. The teens donate the produce to a local soup kitchen.


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