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Answered>Order 1221

Can someone explain why I keep getting an error in MatLab on the bolded line. Its in the function y-Y(i)+h*(y-y.^2 + 1.14*cos(exp(t/2)) . I have tried everything. Thank you 🙂 %Eulers Improved %y’=y-y^2+1.14*cos(exp(1)^(t/2) y0=-.5; t0=0; tEnd=20; h=1/32; N=(tEnd-t0)/h; %%Initialize Solutions T= [0:h:tEnd]’; Y=zeros(N+1,1); Y(1)=y0; %%Solve using Eulers Improved Method for i=1:N   t=T(i)+h;   y= f..(@(y)  y-Y(i)+h*(y-y.^2 + […]


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Answered>Order 1222

The ArtHaus by Antonia continually introduces new pattern of ceramic plates periodically. She can produce a batch of 1,000 potentially useable units per week. However, between the shaping, firing, painting, and glazing, many are discovered to be flawed through the process and must be discarded. However, Antonia can determine where the more common flaws develop […]


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Answered>Order 1223

Abram recently graduated from high school and began his first year at a four-year university. Explain with an example how experiencing each of the following in the past may affect Abram’s ability to succeed in college. – Authoritarian parenting style – Identity versus role confusion – Unconditional positive regard Abram’s first year was very difficult, and he found […]


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Answered>Order 1224

Florida Citrus Mutual, an agricultural cooperative association for citrus growers in Florida, needs to predict what will happen to the price and output of Florida oranges under the conditions below. What are your predictions? a) A major freeze destroys a large number of the orange trees in Florida. b) The scientists in the agricultural extension […]


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