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Answered>Order 4733

Hi! I’m having trouble with this data case and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m overthinking it or if I’m just not grasping what it is asking. Specifically, I’m having trouble determining how to calculate Cost of Goods Sold as well as what Selling, Admin, and Research and Devel. costs would be each year. […]


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Answered>Order 4734

Suppose a monopolist has a total cost function of TC=100Q+1000, where Q is the total number of units he produces. He is able to separate his market into two distinct segments with no possibility of arbitrage, where in market one P1=500-10Q1 and in market two P2=300-20Q2. This implies that Q=(Q1+Q2). What price and quantity does the […]


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Answered>Order 4735

Techniques to correct vision by cutting microscopic flaps in a cornea to alter its shape were developed by Jose Barraquer inBogotá, Colombia in the 1950s but this technique was not widely used until the 1990s. Why? Select one: a. Lasik surgical techniques were patented and there were legal difficulties preventing their use for forty years.b. […]


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Answered>Order 4736

Suppose that a superscalar version of our 5-stage MIPS pipeline system contains the following functional units: 1 load/store unit, 1 branch unit, 2 integer units and 2 floating point units. The following instruction sequence is to be executed on this system:                                         lui      $5,0×1234                                         addiu  $5,$5,0×22                                         sw      $5,0×4800($2)                                         sub     $11,$4,$7                                         sltu     […]


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