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write my assignment 25487

Write 1 page with APA style on Practice Paragraph. Topic: How does the stereotype below demonstrate ethnocentrism? To help you brainstorm: What is ethnocentrism? Is it good or bad for society? How might this Stereotype be good or bad?

Case: “Latino families have too many children.”

Myers defined ethnocentrism as “a belief in the superiority of one’s own group and a corresponding disdain for all other groups” (p. 516 qtd in Raden, 2003). Often, ethnocentrism has a negative connotation because it seen as a “group-analogue to personal centeredness (narcissm) (Bizumic and Duckitt, 2008). In general, it is not good for society because it consign other people’s origin, background and ethnicity as inferior to compared one’s self.

Ethnocentrism is considered to be the foundation or bedrock of prejudice and bigotry in society. The classic example we can glean from ethnocentrism is Hitler’s idea of the superiority of the Aryan race as enforced by his Nazis. Africa’s Apartheid is also a classic case of ethnocentrism. On a personal level, it is not good because it makes one feel superior over the others which can affect its personal relationship with other people. Discrimination exists because of ethnocentrism. If fuels hatred and isolate other people in the process of assertion of another to become superior.

The idea that “Latino families have too many children” supports the ethnocentric idea of a Latino male’s stereotype of male dominance and promiscuity as evidence by the number of his progeny. It purports the stereotype idea that a Latino male is an irresistible lover that relegates women to be his conquest. It subscribes to the typical male machismo and undermines the women’s endeavor to have an equal place in society and familial society. This idea also promotes the idea of being irresponsible, having too many children beyond a person’s capacity to support.


Raden, David (2003).Ingroup Bias, Classic Ethnocentrism, and Non-Ethnocentrism Among American Whites. Political Psychology, Vol. 24 Issue 4, p803, 26p.

Bizumic, Boris. Duckitt, John (2008). “My Group Is Not Worthy of Me”: Narcissism and Ethnocentrism. Political Psychology, Jun2008, Vol.


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write my assignment 13864

having produced this new item it is necessary to bring it to the  awareness of the buying public . how will you do this ? in a report format explain each of the steps that would be taken to plan and carry out a promotional campaign and the specific condition that would need to be taken into consideration . describe the methods you would use to : 1 .set and communicate promotional goals/objectives 2.examine the situation and decide on a plan of action .3 comply with legislation .4 allocate roles and responsibilities to individual members of your team .5 determine the resources you will require( including team members) . 6 set appropriate time lines for the campaign 7 schedule promotional activity 8 describe how you will obtain budget figures and relate actual costs to the budget 9 determine the promotional activity that should be planned 10 document the key messages of the campaign 11. identify and select media vehicles 12. set-up relationships /networks to assist with the promotion 13.monitor the promotion 14. analyse audience feedback 15. assess the effectiveness of planning processes 16. evaluate the results of the promotion 17. draft conclusions and recommendations on future direction of promotional activities 18. communicate the success/failure of the campaign to those involved   (1500-2000 words )


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write my assignment 28871

This is a project Paper


Please kindly follow all the process listed below

There are many minority students from the ethnic group communities we have studies in this class (native to the U.S., children of immigrants, and foreign-born studying here) who attend our campus. There are also many more who live in our community. You can locate them in many places. Those who live here own a variety of businesses, they work in the health care, tourism, educational, banking, service, agricultural and other fields.

(Attention, please choose a person from another ethnic group/culture than your own)

As you meet the person you are interviewing, answer the following questions:

Stage 1 (10 points):  a-Please identify the person you will be interviewing: i.e., what is his/her/their name? b-Please state how you contacted him/her/them (friend of yours, an acquaintance, referral, a neighbor, etc.)c-Please write the date upon which the interview with that person will take place?

Stage 2 (10 points): Please have the interview completed. Upload notes, even if they were handwritten notes or a recorded interview. 

Stage 3 (10 points):Please post the first draft of the interview

Stage 4 (120 points): Please post the completed interview

1-What is his/her/their background (name, age, profession, origins)? Is he/she/they a recent immigrant, the son/daughter of an immigrant, are his/her/their parents natives to the U.S.) (200) words – 15 points)

2-How does he/she/they go about practicing his/her/their culture and traditions in the U.S.? Is it easy? challenging? unique in any particular way?  (200 words – 15 points)

3-What are his/her/their aspirations? In YOUR opinion, are they any different from those who are from other ethnic backgrounds?  (200 words – 15 points)

4-What are his/her/their greatest fears? Does he/she/they worry about the political climate in the U.S.?  (200 words – 15 points)

5-Has that person faced any religious or ethnic based discrimination or bullying? If so, how did he/she/they deal with them?  If not him/her/they, does he/she/they know any of his/her/their friends who experienced discrimination or bullying? What was the nature of the bullying/discrimination? (200 words – 15 points)

6-If he/she/they or one of his/her/their family/friends had faced discrimination, has he/she/they ever reported it to a-his/her/their family, b-to his/her/their administrators (at school or work place) and/or c-official authority (police, FBI, civil rights group, etc.) If yes, how did he/she/they go about it. If not, why didn’t he/she/they report the incident? (200 words – 15 points)

7-What did you learn from this interview? Did it affect you in any way? Is there any reflection you would like to share? (200 words – 30 points)

Occasionally, you may find that you couldn’t answer a particular question in more than 100-150 word. If this happens, it is not a problem, just expand your answer in another question, however, your TOTAL interview assignment should be around 1,400 words. Please write the total number of words at the top of your paper in stage 4. If you choose to include the questions in your paper, please don’t add them to the total word count.

Occasionally, you may end up interviewing someone who is not 18 years old yet. If that is the case, please make sure to receive his/her/their parents’/guardian’s consent to the interview first.


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write my assignment 27632

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic see below. The Fire of Zeus The d ity is quite right, but only to the extent that god’s ity over manis incomprehensible and the will of god is superior to the defiance of man. However, the idea of overthrowing god’s authority does not follow the suggestions made by the play since those who defy that authority might find themselves plunging into an abyss. As was exemplified by Prometheus who refused to listen to Zeus or his messenger (Hermes) and the angry god struck the bound Prometheus with lightning.

The idea of overthrowing god’s will is certainly not a revolutionary proposition since many thinkers have proposed that we would be better as a society and improve ourselves as human beings if there were no gods. Clearly a lot of violence and bloodshed in human history has been the result of devoted faith and confirmed adherence to certain viewpoints (the crusades come to mind as a good example). Yet at the same time, religion and the idea of god is a comforting thought to many people and simply overthrowing that idea is not an easy task nor could be done at the earliest convenience.

It seems that the overthrow demanded and recommended by the noted authority has little to do with the will of god since a person’s freewill is not controlled by god in any way. Had Zeus been able to control the will of Prometheus, he would not have any need to chain him or imprison him in any way. With a simple snap of his fingers Zeus could have discovered anything he wanted. This shows that a person can revolt against god and the power of god would not extend to controlling his or her freewill.

Clearly, there is no reconciliation between the will of Prometheus and the commands given by Zeus. Zeus as the character of god can hurt Prometheus, put him in chains, persuade him, send him messengers but can not get him to bend to his will unwillingly. Eventually, Zeus can even throw Prometheus into the abyss with a lightning bolt, yet he remains unable to control him the way he wanted to.

Finally, the character of Prometheus is quite interesting since he appears to be defying Zeus for no apparent reason. It seems that the defiance is simply for the sake of defiance for he has nothing (for himself) to gain or lose by giving up the information demanded by Zeus. At the same time, he helps Io by giving her some good news about her future. Strangely enough, he seems completely unconcerned about his own future and his safety. The defiance exhibited by Prometheus is quite heroic and one can agree with his description of Zeus as a tyrant. However, I do not agree with the idea presented by Prometheus that Zeus is out to destroy the race of men. Since without worshippers, a god would have little else.

Works Cited

Aeschylus. Prometheus Bound Translated by Scully, J. and Herington, C. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.


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