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Answered>Order 9993

you will begin the weekly debates on a topic of your choice. The debate topics should be centered on the content for this week but will include current issues that are happening in politics and government. It is essential to follow the debate guidelines set up in Week 1 and participate fully in the debate […]


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Answered>Order 9994

Lab 2 – Measuring pH Levels  You will be conducting simulated lab and field tests to determine pH levels of collected samples. Enter the Lab through the third item in the Unit’s MUSE. The MUSE can be accessed by clicking on Learning Materials. Use all available resources in your lab environment, as well as the provided course materials […]


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Answered>Order 9995

Create a 4 page essay paper that discusses EBay Website Profile. Many web experts have classified eBay as original Web 2.0 Company. The company uses eBay wiki and eBay blog as tools for knowledge sharing among online community. eBay blog helps user to promote their business and product offering to other users. Application of web […]


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Answered>Order 9996

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: (lean)Supply Chain and Operations Management. Many large corporations have intricate purchasing and supplying operations that inevitably create waste and foster non-value added activities. In order to minimize waste and reap maximum profits, corporations exercise lean management practices. One such corporation that practices lean management is Toyota Motor Corporation. It […]


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