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write my assignment 15042

Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission.

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Statement of the Problems
  • Literature Review
  • Research Objectives
  • Research Questions and Hypotheses
  • Research Methodology, Design, and Methods
    • Research Methodology
    • Research Design
    • Research Methods
    • Data Collection Methods
    • Sampling Design
    • Data Analysis Procedures
  • Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing
  • Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing
  • Findings
  • Recommendations
  • References

Please follow the Unit VII project template here to complete your assignment.

Please refer to the Course Project Guidance document here for help.

The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be no less than three pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.


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write my assignment 21210

Create a 4 page essay paper that discusses Choose a president.

However, at least until 1949, the Russian threat was not significant in its scope and character. It assumed ominous proportions only when Russia began deploying the tool of communism influencing the people and nations of Europe. More to that, the Soviet Russia exploded its nuclear bomb that nullified the US lead over Russia. Due to changing circumstances, economic assistance was not just enough to establish the confidence in the Europe. however, the rearmament of West Germany, and military assistance in Europe became necessary to tackle soviet expansionary motives. Adding fuel to the fire, the Korean War intensified the cold war between two super powers. Truman soon realized that democratically elected governments anywhere in the world would be in jeopardy if the communist aggression having support from Russia was not resisted strongly (Gaddis, 1974).

Thus, the Truman Doctrine emerged not in isolation but essentially to counter expansionary Stalin Doctrine. In 1947, President Truman, while addressing a joint session of congress, asked for $400 million economic and military aid for Greece and Turkey with an aim to contain communist onslaught in those countries (Merril, 2006). In fact, between 1947 and 1949, several policy measures were taken by the establishment that included the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the Vandenberg Revolution, and the North Atlantic Treaty. It is important to notice that President’s doctrine for the first time had military and economic perspective to contain the soviet communism. These were mainly the psychological measures aimed at developing confidence in the minds of Europeans about democratic means and ways against the juggernaut of communism (Gaddis, 1974).

Truman doctrine was hugely successful in its objectives in the sense that it halted the Soviet insurgency in Greek. Moreover, between 1948 and 1952, technical support grants, and loans extended to Europe amounting


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write my assignment 24554

Write 8 pages with APA style on Organisational Behaviour and the Sociology of Work. It is important to understand that health can be influenced daily by personal circumstances, beliefs and actions, attitudes, and the cultural, social, economic, and physical environments in which an employee work. Hence it is important to maintain a healthy working environment. A healthy workplace is that which provides benefits for both the employers as well as the employees. This is possible because good health practices by both will lead to personal and organizational productivity and achievement of goals more easily. In other words, the main intention of any health promotion program is to enable employees to improve their physical, emotional, and social health and lead a much productive life.

In a healthy organization, all employees especially the managers need to be aware of the goals and objectives and know where the organization is going. In order to accomplish all the goals and objectives, it is important to have a healthy team. The managers should understand the vision for the organization and can articulate it to others. In addition, they should also know the specific short term results that they have to achieve. This will enable them to put less pressure on the team in the last moment to achieve targets. This will also help in measuring the achievement and also give knowledge of how much more need to be achieved to accomplish the final objective. It is also necessary to have a clear connection between the organization’s strategic goals and objectives and work being performed at all levels and it is the responsibility of the managers to coordinate these activities (Miller n.pag).

Today in many of the organizations it is common to hear terms such as stress management, organizational health, workplace violence, etc. it is good to understand that increasing workload has put pressure on employees and most of them complain of stress. Experts have defined stress as any physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental unrest. These stress factors may further be a reason for disease causation.


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write my assignment 13203

I need answers for this question please on short run and long run equilibrium

  • Attachment 1
  • Attachment 2

7. Short-run supply and long-run equilibrium Aa Aa EL Consider a perfectly competitive market for steel. Assume that all firms in the industry are identical and have themarginal cost (MC), average total cost (ATC), and average variable cost (AVC) curves shown on the following graph.Assume also that it does not matter how many firms are in the industry. Tool Tip: Place the mouse cursor over orange square points on the MC curve to see coordinates. COST [Dollars per tonne] 1000MC 900 800 700 600500 ATC £00AVG 300 200 100 0 51015 20 25 30 35 1.0 1.5 50OUTPUT [Thousands of tonnes per day] The following diagram shows the market demand for steel. Use the orange points (square symbol) to plot the initialshort-run industry supply curve when there are 20 firms in the market. (Note: Ignore the portion of the supply curvethat corresponds to prices at which there is no output, since this is the industry supply curve.) Next, use the purplepoints (diamond symbol) to plot the short-run industry supply curve when there are 30 firms. Finally, use the redpoints (cross symbol) to plot the short-run industry supply curve when there are 40 firms.


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