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write my assignment 22263

Complete 10 page APA formatted essay: Women’s Rights in Islam.

Social responsibility among Muslims originated from the Qur’anic scripture which says: “And [as for] the believers, both men and women—they are friends and protectors of one another: they [all] enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong, and are constant in prayer, and render the purifying dues, and pay heed unto God and His apostle. It is they upon whom God will bestow His grace: verily, God is almighty, wise.”i

The above Qur’anic verse indicates that men and women are to cooperate with one another in the educational and political sphere (they should understand God’s commandments and have an influence in society to actualize God’s wisdom), in the social sphere (helping the poor and the disadvantaged), and in the religious sphere (prayer). These required tasks mentioned in the verse reveal that both men and women are to actively take part in society instead of simply being submissive or indifferent. Participation in the political realm is a way to accomplish one’s duties to society. Political participation can be carried out in various ways, from voting, to occupying a position as a magistrate or lawmaker, to being a national leader. Islam offers examples for each of these positions, roles, and duties for women.

Within the spiritual realm, Islam does not distinguish between men and women. According to the Qur’an, men and women have to fulfill the same objective—both will receive rewards or punishments based on their personal deeds, both will be tried by God, and both have an obligation to live up to their religious duties. Every time the Qur’an specifies those blessed people who will be accepted to the Garden of Bliss due to their goodness, piousness, and virtue, it cites both men and women: “And whoever does righteous good deeds, male or female, and is a (true) believer [in the Oneness of Allah (Muslim)], such will enter Paradise and not the least injustice, even to the size of a Naqira (speck on the back of


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write my assignment 22358

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on 3Th article that pertains to my reserach proposal. It needs to be at least 250 words.

100). The use of humor in this context provides a way to bring student interest to lessons and to motivate students.

All students began by filling out a questionnaire about their background and they were given a standardized listening test (TOEFL Test, version 2009) to determine a baseline for their “listening proficiency level” (Rafiee, Kassaian and Dastjerdi, 2010, p. 102). Once students received instruction through the use of humorous songs, they were given the TOEFL listening test a second time. Participants had not previously participated in listening tests. Students were told that they would listen to a passage for several minutes and then they would be instructed to immediately do coursework. Teachers did not ask questions after the listening task in order to make sure that they were relaxed while listening. Students listened to 17, 90 minute sessions. After the first task, students were asked to listen to the passages again and repeat the task in order to have a pre- and post-test sample. After a three week interval, students were asked to take the TOEFL test again to measure their immediate ability to recall the information.

There were 30 female participants in this study and they were all studying English at the Iranian Institutes of English language. The age group of participants was between 15 and 25. The participants were given a number between one and 30 and they were randomly chosen for two groups. The first group was comprised of those students who had odd numbers and these were seen as the control group. The second group was comprised of those students who had even numbers were used as the experimental group.

The researchers found that students in the experimental group were able to retain more information than those in the control group. The researchers pointed out that humorous songs did have a “moderately large effect” (Rafiee, Kassaian and


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write my assignment 14666

Hi Tutors,

I need the paper in  APA format including a HEADING for each of the 4 questions asked, CITATIONS WITHIN THE PARAGRAPH and a list of sources at the end. Please reread each question carefully. Please write in your own words . I will check for plagiarism through a software. I will give a generous tip for great work.

1. Select two companies whose product(s) you use in your daily life. You may choose any firms you wish, as long as their information is publicly available (as to their products and financial information) and they are known to the average person.

2. Describe, in detail, each company’s product line in terms of:

*Product description and usage

*Factors that determine the demand for the products

*Factors that determine the supply of the products

*Available substitutes for the product

*Available complements for the product

*Is demand for the product elastic or inelastic in the short run? In the long run?

*Is the firm’s production capital-intensive or labor-intensive? How important is technology in the producing the product? Why?

3. In which of the four market structures does each firm operate? Describe the attributes of the firm’s market that show why that is the relevant market structure.

4. What do you think are the long term prospects for the product? Why?

Please answer all questions.


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write my assignment 23803

Need an argumentative essay on CREATIVE WRITING : A SHORT FANTASY FICTION STORY. Needs to be 12 pages. Please no plagiarism.

o’s journey: Initiation as Tommy discovers he’s about to be moved again. journey as Tommy receives the gold coin and learns about ‘buying’ a family. mentor in the form of the fairy’s gold that leads him to the printer’s shop, guides major events (keeping Tommy at the shop), leads to the climax/conflict but allows Tommy to make decisions on his own. symbolic death as Tommy ‘falls’ through darkness to discover the truth.

Tommy lifted his head up from the table when he heard the low tones of Mrs. Myers voice. He couldn’t look directly at her, though. He knew she was looking at him with those Mommy eyes, those soft brown eyes that hurt because they lied.

Tommy knew better. He knew eyes like that wouldn’t stay around. The last woman who had looked at him with those kind of eyes, those half-sorry/half-sad eyes, had been his Mommy and she had walked down the road and didn’t even look back. He’d stood at that corner for hours, but she never returned. The night-watchman had found him huddled against a building and had him taken to the orphanage. For a year or more, he’d gone back to that corner as often as he could get away just in case.

Instead of looking at Mrs. Myers, Tommy stared at the rainbows in the grease cooling on his eggs. He tried to smile. She liked it if you did little things like that. At the orphanage, They didn’t usually notice if you were happy or not, but the orphanage had burned down three months ago and the kids had been sent to different people’s houses until They figured out what they were going to do. They seemed to be in charge of the whole world, yanking Tommy here and there everywhere with just a moment’s notice to gather his things. Tommy had been staying at William and Megan Myers’s house for a month now and was already expecting to be moved to another house. He hadn’t even bothered to take his few precious possessions out of his packing box even though they’d given him a whole room to himself, not just a


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