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Answered>Order 27531

 Joe is an overworked and under-appreciated programmer at ”This Secure World” company. He is asked to write an RSA key generation algorithm that performs better than the competition. To increase the e?ciency of his algorithm he decides instead of generating two random prime factors for the modulus part of every RSA key pair, to reuse […]


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Answered>Order 27538

i am trying to get this assignment completed and I am having alot of trouble in writing SQL queries includes stored procedures. below is the assignment Section 1: Project Introduction Can you design, implement, and start using your very own database, all in one course term? You can, even if you have never touched a […]


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Answered>Order 27523

Please give an original response to each student separatel!!!!!  Please follow direction…will dispute if it’s done wrong! Literature  Original Post The forum for this week addresses the third learning objective:  Produce an original opinion based on assigned literature. Many of the pieces we have read during weeks 1-5 have social, cultural and political underpinnings and […]


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Answered>Order 27515

Instructions: This section of your final exam provides you with an opportunity to  apply all of the information you have learned throughout the course to  the work that you will be doing as a certified professional. You will be presented with two client profiles, and will be asked to  design a 12-week periodized program for […]


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