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write my assignment 22329

Write a 2 page essay on Role of technology and Cultural Competence.

Teaching practices have become more efficient and effective, alongside enhancing creativity and innovativeness in the application of these technologies by students. Moreover, shifts in teaching paradigms have been realized (Bates & Poole, 2003), allowing both teachers and students to counter emerging negativities related to technology in the teaching and learning context.

Cultural, social, economic, and political factors influence education in variant ways. In this respect, the assertion that public education responds primarily to political, not economic forces generates a critically arguable statement. Personally, public education addresses more than just the political factor. There are many and different stakeholders involved in the operationalization of the education sector (Prensky, 2008). On the same note, the teaching and learning environment is characterized by diverse players that exhibit differentiated interests in an education context. It is hardly arguable that all these stakeholders are politically motivated. Therefore, public education encompasses many forces, both political and economic included.

The contemporary classroom environment within and across countries is characterized by cultural diversity. Multiculturalism in the global context has become essential as the internet breaks local, regional, national, and international boundaries (Montgomery, 2001). Teaching and learning practices are increasingly becoming influenced by multiculturalism, following the opening up of education to the international community. In American context, the classroom environment is made up of domestic and international students (Irvine & York, 2001). Their coexistence is coherent when multiculturalism in play. Multiculturalism informs the manner in which global diversity is being dealt with. (Paley, 1992. Gurian & Kathy, 2004) contends that the internet has enhanced global interconnectedness, thereby raising the significance of


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write my assignment 4148

Gary and Richard are practicing tying knots. Richard already has 3 knots tied when Gary starts.

Consider the graph below which shows the relationship between the number of knots Richard and Gary tie and the amount of time they take.

Which of the lines shows a proportional relationship, and what is the constant of proportionality?

A.Richard’s line shows a proportional relationship, and the constant of proportionality is 2.

B.Richard’s line shows a proportional relationship, and the constant of proportionality is 0.5.

C.Gary’s line shows a proportional relationship, and the constant of proportionality is 1.33.

D.Gary’s line shows a proportional relationship, and the constant of proportionality is 0.75.


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write my assignment 8755

Please answer this ASAP!! Will Mark Brainliest

Write one paragraph of five to six sentences in English on the following: In the past, there was a great struggle on Vieques because of the U.S. military’s presence. There was a controversy over the bombing practice on a secluded side of the island which interrupted the tranquility of the small island known for its beaches. The islanders fought for peace for many years. Finally, the Navy left, but the consequence was the loss of many jobs. Now, there’s quiet on Vieques, but it’s almost impossible to find work. Do a little research on this topic and form your own opinion. Is the price of hearing the frequent sound of bombing worth it to live on a secluded island with beautiful beaches? As you reflect, remember that many of the families on the island have been there for generations, so moving away means leaving everything, although when the military was present on the island, the economy flourished.


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write my assignment 26483

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Pharmacist’s Impact in Patient Safety and Medication Use. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. An adverse incident is a situation whereby a process of healthcare intervention has resulted in the patient being injured, and the injury sustained has not been brought about by the condition. On the other hand, an incident is termed as near-miss when healthcare intervention could have resulted in injury for the patient. This essay aims to shed more light on patient safety and medication, notably focusing on the role of pharmacists in the provision of healthcare services. Moreover, it compares the function of pharmacists in Saudi Arabia to that of the United Kingdom.

During the mediation process, the major role that pharmacists are tasked with is a minimization of errors that may come up. According to Gable and Stunson (2010), errors can be registered during medication within five steps. These steps include that of prescription, documentation as well as a dispensation. In like manner, errors can be registered in the course of drug administration and during patient monitoring. In an attempt to make all the concerned stakeholders aware of the imperative role that pharmacists play, the WHO has re-classified the above-mentioned stages into three basic periods: prescription, dispensation, and administration. It has been established that 39% of the errors that take place during medication take place during the prescription phase. This is brought majorly about by inadequate drug prescription knowledge, as well as the absence of an amicable relationship between the healthcare provider and the patient. At the same time, it has been established that some of the errors in the course of the prescription can be brought about by mental slips in case of a distraction and calculation errors. (Gable and Stunson, 2010) similarly argue that quite a lot of medication-related errors, notably 38% take place during the phase of administration. This high error incidence is majorly brought about by the event of using similar materials to package different drugs, lack of clear orders on how the drugs should be administered,d and sadly enough, the failure to double check. Poor handwriting, inability to make sense out of abbreviations, as well as the misuse of the trailing zero,s has also been pointed out to result into about 12% of errors during medication.


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