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write my assignment 11346

Research a project and write a paper incorporating the terms and concepts presented in Units 1 and 2.Units 1 and 2 introduced the following terms and concepts:

  • Project
  • Project Manager
  • Project Management
  • Project Selection (Use at least one of the following: Qualitative or Quantitative Methods)
  • Risk/Uncertainty
  • Organizational Structure (Use at least one of the following: Matrix Organization, Functional Organization, Projectized Organization)


  1. Research an article or a report describing a project that interests you.  Write a 3-5 page paper describing the project.  Incorporate the terms and demonstrate an understanding of the list of preceding terms.  One approach is to define the terms and provide specific examples from your research to demonstrate not only the definition but the concept as well.  Follow APA Guidelines per the Guidelines posted in the Course Introduction.
  2. Reference your article and at least two other sources.
  3. Attach a copy of your article (i.e. pdf format) to your assignment.


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write my assignment 30233

Compose a 500 words assignment on unreached people group project of yemen. Needs to be plagiarism free! Unreached People Group Project of Yemen Unreached People Group Project of Yemen The difference in ideologies between the North andSouth Yemen has presented exceptional opportunities for Christians to evangelize to the unreached people group of Yemen (CIA Government Library, 2013). Yemeni Arabs, who most scholars consider as the original Arabs, are categorized as unreached group of people. Mission organizations define unreached people groups as any ethnic group that has less than two percent of its population as evangelical Christians. It is an ethnic group lacking an indigenous population of believing Christians who can proclaim the gospel to reach the rest of the group (Hamilton, 2005). The Joshua Project uses two percent of an indigenous population as the minimum percentage of a population that can impact an entire nation (Hoskins, 2005).

Yemen unreached status stems from their topography which varies from hot coastal plains to cool mountains, and scorching deserts. This climatically challenges missionaries willing to spread the gospel there (Joshua, 2009). Secondly, their social and tribal structure has prevented penetration by Christians since all persons and goods passing through their towns are strictly controlled. They have various tribes which are ruled by Arab Chiefs who often fight each other. The belief system is the third reason for their unreached status. Despite being predominately influenced by Islam religion, the different Islamist sects complicate evangelism even further. Zaydis which is the largest sect is obsessive and warrior-like. They view all wars as a crusade against all non-Muslim believers to the extent that any Muslim converting and professing faith in Jesus Christ can be killed (McCarthy, 2004). This belief system and antagonism towards the Gospel creates major challenges to any evangelization efforts to this unreached group of people.


The Great Commission forms the basis of missions in the Christian faith. Christ Himself commanded his followers in the Great Commission to go out and spread the gospel to the ends of the world. In a bid to obey this commandment, Christian missionaries travel to the furthest corners of the world so as to reach the unreached groups with the gospel message (The Yemeni Arabs, 2012). They have devised creative ways of reaching such groups for example extending hospitality, sinking boreholes, providing health care amongst other ways. Despite all this well intended cause, the missionaries experience unspeakable challenges as they try to reach out. They face rejection, persecution, battle with doubt and even death. On the brighter side, there are some missionaries who witness the fruits of their labor such as seeing totally transformed lives of people who had never before heard the gospel of Christ. Their faith in Christ’s assurance that he himself will be with them at all times, keeps them strong and willing to reach out to unreached people groups (Unengaged Unreached People Groups, 2012).

Yemeni Arabs are from North and South Yemen is one such group. With a population of over 24 million people, Yemen only has 15,000 – 25,000 both indigenous Christians and non-native Christians practicing their faith underground with majority being non-native. These non-native Christians are refugees from neighboring countries (Yemens Forgotten Christians, 2013). This thesis will assess the current status of Yemen unreached groups and efforts by Christian missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission by consciously but creatively spreading the gospel and knowledge God’s love to the unreached. This is evaluation will be done through surveying relevant academic journal and books, interviewing missionaries to Yemen, academic journals and in some cases, discussing with religious refugees to Yemen. I will conclude by discussing the missiological impact of missionary work towards the unreached people group of Yemen.


CIA Government Library. (2013). The world factbook. Retrieved from https:// A. (2005). Christianity and world religions. Nashville, TN: Abingdon.

Hoskins, E. (2005). A Muslim’s heart. Colorado Springs, CO: Dawson Media.

Joshua, P. (2009). Yemeni, Northern of Yemen. Retrieved from http:// C. (2004). Christians, Muslims and the Communication of the Gospel. International Review of Mission 84: 447-452.

The Yemeni Arabs. (2012). A cluster of 10 Yemeni Arab groups in 9 countries. Retrieved from http:// Unreached People Groups. (2012). Global research, international mission board, SBC. Retrieved from http://public.imb.org/globalresearch/Pages

Unreached People Group. Lausanne Global Conversation. (2011) Lausanne committee on global evangelization. Retrieved from http: Forgotten Christians. (2013). Gatestone Institute. Retrieved from http://


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write my assignment 31185

ase: Keep Patients Waiting? Not in My OfficeCASE : KEEP PATIENTS WAITING ? NOT IN MY OFFICE Good doctor-patient relations begin with both parties being punctual for appointments. This is particularly important in my specialty-pediatrics. Mothers whose children have only minor problems don’t like them to sit in the waiting room with really sick ones, and the sick kids become fussy if they have to wait long. But lateness-no matter who’s responsible for it-can cause problems in any practice. Once you’ve fallen more than slightly behind, it may be impossible to catch up that day. And although it’s unfair to keep someone waiting who may have other appointments, the average office patient cools his heels for almost 20 minutes, according to one recent survey. Patients may tolerate this, but they don’t like it. I don’t tolerate that in my office, and I don’t believe you have to in yours. I see patients exactly at the appointed hour more than 99 times out of 100. So there are many GPs (grateful patients) in my busy solo practice. Parents often remark to me, “We really appreciate your being on time. Why can’t other doctors do that too?” My answer is “I don’t know, but I’m willing to tell them how I do it.” BOOKING APPOINTMENTS REALISTICALLY The key to successful scheduling is to allot the proper amount of time for each visit, depending on the services required, and then stick to it. This means that the physician must pace himself carefully, receptionists must be corrected if they stray from the plan, and patients must be taught to respect their appointment times. By actually timing a number of patient visits, I found that they break down into several categories. We allow half an hour for any new patient, 15 minutes for a well-baby checkup or an important illness, and either 5 or 10 minutes for a recheck on an illness or injury, an immunization, or a minor problem like warts. You can, of course, work out your own time allocations, geared to the way you practice. When appointments are made, every patient is given a specific time, such as 10:30 or 2:40. It’s an absolute no-no for anyone in my office to say to a patient, “Come in 10 minutes” or “Come in a halfhour.” People often interpret such instructions differently, and nobody knows just when they’ll arrive. There are three examining rooms that I use routinely, a fourth that I reserve for teenagers, and a fifth for emergencies. With that many rooms, I don’t waste time waiting for patients, and they rarely have to sit in the reception area. In fact, some of the younger children complain that they don’t get time to play with the toys and puzzles in the waiting room before being examined, and their mothers have to let them play awhile on the way out. On a light day I see 20 to 30 patients between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. But our appointment system is flexible enough to let me see 40 to 50 patients in the same number of hours if I have to. Here’s how we tighten the schedule: My two assistants (three on the busiest days) have standing orders to keep a number of slots open throughout each day for patients with acute illnesses. We try to reserve more such openings in the winter months and on the days following weekends and holidays, when we’re busier than usual. Initial visits, for which we allow 30 minutes, are always scheduled on the hour or the half-hour. If I finish such a visit sooner than planned, we may be able to squeeze in a patient who needs to be seen immediately. And, if necessary, we can book two or three visits in 15 minutes between well checks. With these cushions to fall back on, I’m free to spend an extra 10 minutes or so on a serious case, knowing that the lost time can be made up quickly. Parents of new patients are asked to arrive in the office a few minutes before they’re scheduled in order to get the preliminary paperwork done. At that time the receptionist informs them, “The doctor always keeps an accurate appointment schedule.” Some already know this and have chosen me for that very reason. Others, however, don’t even know that there are doctors who honor appointment times, so we feel that it’s best to warn them on the first visit. FITTING IN EMERGENCIES Emergencies are the excuse doctors most often give for failing to stick to their appointment schedules. Well, when a child comes in with a broken arm or the hospital calls with an emergency Caesarean section, naturally I drop everything else. If the interruption is brief, I may just scramble to catch up. If it’s likely to be longer, the next few patients are given the choice of waiting or making new appointments. Occasionally my assistants have to reschedule all appointments for the next hour or two. Most such interruptions, though, take no more than 10 to 20 minutes, and the patients usually choose to wait. I then try to fit them into the spaces we’ve reserved for acute cases that require last-minute appointments. The important thing is that emergencies are never allowed to spoil my schedule for the whole day. Once a delay has been adjusted for, I’m on time for all later appointments. The only situation I can imagine that would really wreck my schedule is simultaneous emergencies in the office and at the hospital-but that has never occurred. When I return to the patient I’ve left, I say, “Sorry to have kept you waiting, I had an emergency-a bad cut” (or whatever). A typical reply from the parent: “No problem, Doctor. In all the years I’ve been coming here, you’ve never made me wait before.And I’d surely want you to leave the room if my kid were hurt.” Emergencies aside, I get few walk-ins, because it’s generally known in the community that I see patients only by appointment except in urgent circumstances. Anonemergency walk-in is handled as a phone call would be. The receptionist asks whether the visitor wants advice or an appointment. If the latter, he or she is offered the earliest time available for nonacute cases. TAMING THE TELEPHONE Phone calls from patients can sabotage an appointment schedule if you let them. I don’t. Unlike some pediatricians, I don’t have a regular telephone hour, but my assistants will handle calls from parents at any time during office hours. If the question is a simple one, such as “How much aspirin do you give a one-year-old?” the assistant will answer it. If the question requires an answer from me, the assistant writes it in the patient’s chart and brings it to me while I’m seeing another child. I write the answer in-or she enters it in the chart. Then she relays it to the caller. What if the caller insists on talking with me directly? The standard reply is “The doctor will talk with you personally if it won’t take more than one minute. Otherwise you’ll have to make an appointment and come in.” I’m rarely called to the phone in such cases, but if the mother is very upset, I prefer to talk with her. I don’t always limit her to one minute; I may let the conversation run two or three. But the caller knows I’ve left a patient to talk with her, so she tends to keep it brief. DEALING WITH LATECOMERS Some people are habitually late; others have legitimate reasons for occasional tardiness, such as a flat tire or “He threw up on me.” Either way, I’m hard-nosed enough not to see them immediately if they arrive at my office more than 10 minutes behind schedule, because to do so would delay patients who arrived on time. Anyone who is less than 10 minutes late is seen right away, but is reminded of what the appointment time was. When it’s exactly 10 minutes past the time reserved for a patient and he hasn’t appeared at the office, a receptionist phones his home to arrange a later appointment. If there’s no answer and the patient arrives at the office a few minutes later, the receptionist says pleasantly, “Hey, we were looking for you. The doctor’s had to go ahead with his other appointments, but we’ll squeeze you in as soon as we can.” A note is then made in the patient’s chart showing the date, how late he was, and whether he was seen that day or given another appointment. This helps us identify the rare chronic offender and take stronger measures if necessary. Most people appear not to mind waiting if they know they themselves have caused the delay.And I’d rather incur the anger of the rare person who does mind than risk the ill will of the many patients whom would otherwise have to wait after coming in on schedule. Although I’m prepared to be firm with parents, this is rarely necessary. My office in no way resembles an army camp. On the contrary,most people are happy with the way we run it, and tell us so frequently. COPING WITH NO-SHOWS What about the patient who has an appointment, doesn’t turn up at all, and can’t be reached by telephone? Those facts, too, are noted in the chart. Usually there’s a simple explanation, such as being out of town and forgetting about the appointment. If it happens a second time, we follow the same procedure. A third-time offender, though, receives a letter reminding him that time was set aside for him and he failed to keep three appointments. In the future, he’s told, he’ll be billed for such wasted time. That’s about as tough as we ever get with the few people who foul up our scheduling. I’ve never dropped a patient for doing so. In fact, I can’t recall actually billing a no-show; the letter threatening to do so seems to cure them. And when they come back-as nearly all of them do-they enjoy the same respect and convenience as my other patients. QUESTIONS 1. What features of the appointment scheduling system were crucial in capturing “many grateful patients”?2. What procedures were followed to keep the appointment system flexible enough to accommodate the emergency cases, and yet be able to keep up with the other patients’ appointments? 3. How were the special cases such as latecomers and no-shows handled? 4. Compare and contrast scheduling approaches for the case. 5. Describe the relationship between doctor availability and appointment scheduling. 6. Explain processes for the identification and management of bottleneck operations. 7. Determine how you would apply the concepts from synchronous manufacturing, materials requirement planning (MRP), and Just in Time (JIT) to the case.


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write my assignment 21590

Need an argumentative essay on A discussion for the course of Anthropology 101. Needs to be 3 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Anthropology has been used to raise arguments against sexual liberation, gender equality, post-colonial oppression and advocacy of cultural diversity, multiculturalism. The paper analyses the book of pushed into the rocks written by Florence shipek based on Indians land tenure in Southern California (Shipek, 1988).

For thousands of years in southern California, there lived four Indian national or tribal groups such as Cahuilla, San Luiseño, Kumeyaay, and Cupeno. Presently their land comprises of thirty-three small reservations, of which they all are the formerly vast aboriginal territories. Some Indian individuals possess their own land and live in urban areas or outside the reservation boundaries. Shipek traces the history of Indian land tenure in southern California from the contact period of pre-European to the present. The initial southern California was manifested by intensive land use because of the high population density that existed. The Indians worked hard in the environment by using fire to enhance cultivation of plant husbandry such as trees, squash, beans, corn, shrubs and onions. The author dismisses the popular belief that these people’s lives only depended on hunting and gathering (Shipek, 1988).

Shipek is one among the many outstanding anthropologists who go further to claim that, Indian land tenure from southern California was based on individual private ownership. The ownership comprised of individuals or families who owned the most subsistence sources. In addition, the property was inherited in a patrilineal manner and the ownership rights were not lost if the land remained unused. Shamans owned specific resources such as medicinal plants. Besides, each of the ethnic group owned several bands that were held in certain periods such as gatherings. The territorial boundaries were safeguarded against external aggression by both military and


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