Answered>Order 9834

Write 2 page essay on the topic First They Came for the Jews by Martin Niemoller.

No human being is perfect and an individual learns by committing mistakes. Substantively, the messages articulated by both the authors are the same, but they do it in different styles, and the emphasis varies in degrees. Their simple and straightforward message is ‘we should care about others’ and should discourage divisive forces. The poet was anti-communist and without applying much thought, he must have supported Adolph Hitler’s rise to power but soon he realized his grave mistake on that count. Hitler insisted on the supremacy of the state over religion, and initiated a hate-campaign against the Jews to begin with. As a good clergyman, the author opposed division of humanity on the basis of ethnicity or any other type of divisive tools. “As the pastor of the Berlin congregation of the Evangelical church from 1931, Niemoller led a group of clergy working to counter Nazism and earned Hitler’s hatred” (Niemoller, n.d.). He describes the dangers of political apathy. The line “Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me” (Niemoller, n. d.) is very important. Injustice at any level to any community must be resisted and nipped in the bud, to prevent it from spreading across the entire society. Kushner gives the example from Christian scriptures and writes “Moses may have gotten his ideas about morality from the same place that Shakespeare got his poetry and Mozart his music, but the process surpasses my understanding. I describe them.

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